If you or someone you know has been experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure, you may be worried. https://epilepsyseizure.co.nz/epilepsy-alarm/ Although this type of seizure is usually harmless, it can be very uncomfortable for the person having it. Here are some tips to help you and your loved one through the experience. There are two stages in tonic-clonic seizures: the tonic phase and the clonic phase. The tonic phase is when the arms and legs jerk rapidly. After the tonic phase, the person experiences a clonic phase, where the body jerks rhythmically. When someone experiences a tonic-clonic seizure, they are unaware that they are having a seizure. They may feel groggy and confused for a couple of hours. Some signs of a tonic-clonic seizure are a loss of bladder control, sleepiness, and muscle stiffening. People suffering from this condition may also bite their tongue or cheek. A tonic-clonic seizure is typically treated with anticonvulsants. These medications stop the seizure immediately and help prevent recurrences. Anticonvulsants include valproate, levetiracetam, and felbamate. https://epilepsyseizure.co.nz/ If a tonic-clonic seizure is not responding to these medications, it is a good idea to call your doctor. Your doctor can then select a medicine that will treat the condition. Tonic-clonic seizures can occur due to an injury, infection, or imbalance in the brain. These factors need to be diagnosed and treated to prevent the disorder from becoming worse. Treatment for tonic-clonic seizures depends on the age of the patient, his or her gender, and comorbidities. Doctors also need to investigate whether the seizures are caused by an infectious or metabolic disorder.