caring for injured patients in the resuscitation room. BACKGROUND Air quality might contribute to incidence of dementia-related disorders, including Alzheimer's dementia (AD). The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of urban environmental exposures (including exposure to air pollution, noise and green space) on cognitive performance and brain structure of cognitively unimpaired individuals at risk for AD. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS The ALFA (ALzheimer and FAmilies) study is a prospective cohort of middle-age, cognitively unimpaired subjects, many of them offspring of AD patients. Cognitive performance was measured by the administration of episodic memory and executive function tests (N = 958). Structural brain imaging was performed in a subsample of participants to obtain morphological information of brain areas, specially focused on cortical thickness, known to be affected by AD (N = 228). Land Use Regression models were used to estimate residential exposure to air pollutants. The daily average noise level at the street nearest to each participant's residenreas known to be affected in AD, thus suggesting a potential link between environmental exposures and cerebral vulnerability to AD. Although more research in the field is needed, air pollution reduction is crucial for decreasing the burden of age-related disorders. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a robust analytical platform for analysis of small molecules. Recently, it is widely used for large-scale metabolomics studies, in which hundreds or even thousands of samples are analyzed simultaneously, producing a very large and complex GC-MS datasets. A number of software are currently available for processing GC-MS data, but it is too compute-intensive for them to efficiently and accurately align chromatographic peaks from thousands of samples. Here, we report a newly developed software, QPMASS, for analysis of large-scale GC-MS data.