In this study, an atmospheric nitrogen plasma jet generated by a custom-built micro-plasma device was analyzed at room temperature by continuous wave and pulse EPR spectroscopy in real time. Transiently formed nitrogen atoms were detected without the necessity to use spin-traps or other reagents for their stabilization. In contrast to results from optical emission spectroscopy, only signals from the 4S ground state of 14N and 15N could be detected. EPR data analysis revealed an isotropic g value of 1.9971 and isotropic hyperfine coupling constants of a(14N) = (10.47 ± 0.02) MHz and a(15N) = (14.69 ± 0.02) MHz. Moreover, lifetime and relaxation data could be determined; both are discussed in terms of spectral widths and actual concentrations of the transiently formed nitrogen species within the plasma jet. The data show that the lifetimes of atomic nitrogen and charged particles such as N+ must be different, and for the latter below the observation time window of EPR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that the real-time (pulsed) EPR technique is a fast and reliable alternative to detect atomic nitrogen in atmospheric pressure plasma jets. The method may be used for a continuous monitoring of the quality of plasma jets.Following our study on hydrogen-bonded (HB) complexes [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 19841], the physical nature of interaction-induced (non)linear optical properties of another important class of molecular complexes, namely halogen-bonded (XB) systems, was analyzed in this study. The excess electronic and nuclear relaxation (hyper)polarizabilities of nine representative XB complexes covering a wide range of halogen-bond strengths were computed. The partitioning of the excess properties into individual interaction-energy components (electrostatic, exchange, induction, dispersion) was performed by using the variational-perturbational energy decomposition scheme at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level of th