Moreover, our method drastically reduced the channel redundancy of the encoded feature during the network training process. This provides us a possibility to perform channel elimination with negligible degradation in generated style quality. Our method is applicable to multiple scaled style transfer by using the cascade network scheme and allows a user to control style strength through the usage of a content-style trade-off parameter.Future wearable technology may provide for enhanced communication in noisy environments and for the ability to pick out a single talker of interest in a crowded room simply by the listener shifting their attentional focus. Such a system relies on two components, speaker separation and decoding the listener's attention to acoustic streams in the environment. To address the former, we present a system for joint speaker separation and noise suppression, referred to as the Binaural Enhancement via Attention Masking Network (BEAMNET). The BEAMNET system is an end-to-end neural network architecture based on self-attention. Binaural input waveforms are mapped to a joint embedding space via a learned encoder, and separate multiplicative masking mechanisms are included for noise suppression and speaker separation. Pairs of output binaural waveforms are then synthesized using learned decoders, each capturing a separated speaker while maintaining spatial cues. A key contribution of BEAMNET is that the architecture contaET is found to maintain the decoding accuracy achieved with ideal speaker separation, even in severe acoustic conditions. These results suggest that this enhancement system is highly effective at decoding auditory attention in realistic noise environments, and could possibly lead to improved speech perception in a cognitively controlled hearing aid.The mechanism of message passing in graph neural networks (GNNs) is still mysterious. Apart from convolutional neural networks, no the