Representation learning on networks offers a powerful alternative to the oft painstaking process of manual feature engineering, and, as a result, has enjoyed considerable success in recent years. However, all the existing representation learning methods are based on the first-order network, that is, the network that only captures the pairwise interactions between the nodes. As a result, these methods may fail to incorporate non-Markovian higher order dependencies in the network. Thus, the embeddings that are generated may not accurately represent the underlying phenomena in a network, resulting in inferior performance in different inductive or transductive learning tasks. To address this challenge, this study presents higher order network embedding (HONEM), a higher order network (HON) embedding method that captures the non-Markovian higher order dependencies in a network. HONEM is specifically designed for the HON structure and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in node classification, network reconstruction, link prediction, and visualization for networks that contain non-Markovian higher order dependencies.This article proposes the MapReduce scheduler with deadline and priorities (MRS-DP) scheduler capable of handling jobs with deadlines and priorities. Big data have emerged as a key concept and revolutionized data analytics in the present era. Big data are characterized by multiple dimensions or Vs, namely volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and valence. Recently, a new and important dimension (another V) is added, known as value. Value has emerged as an important characteristic and it can be understood in terms of delay in acquiring information, leading to late decisions that may result in missed opportunities. To gain optimal benefits, this article introduces a scheduler based on jobs with deadlines and priorities intending to improve resource utilization, with efficient job progress monitoring and b