Although the morphological stages of tooth development, in parallel with maxillary bone construction, are known for decades, the intimate mechanisms of early development of the oral cavity structures and tooth's proper and associated tissues are still incompletely elucidated. Nowadays, the research in embryology was shifted from the morphological to the molecular and genetic approach. This new approach is accomplished by using in vivo and in vitro experimental studies performed on animal models and cell lines. The interest in the knowledge of these events at gene and molecular level is still current, aiming to sustain the progress in the endorsement of novel regenerative and restorative therapies. However, the morphological standpoint maintains its interest, because the extrapolation of the results of experimental studies in humans requires a strong confirmation. Within this context, our work aims to analyze the histological characteristics of the maxillary bone and integrated tooth germs during the early stages of embryonic development. The study group consisted in mandible fragments obtained by dissection of the cephalic extremities collected from fetuses aged from 10 to 24 weeks, after medical or spontaneous abortions. The tissue specimens were processed for the histological exam. The histoarchitectonic traits of the initial stages of mandibular bone tissue and tooth development were assessed. The results revealed the dynamics of the ossification stages, from stages of early-dispersed intramembranous ossification to the organization of the dental alveoli, incorporated step-by-step in the maxillary body, and the simultaneous presence of tooth germs with different sizes and shapes, in accordance with the development stage. Our study complements the existing data regarding the embryonic period, bringing an important contribution for the enlargement of existing morphological, visual information for maxillary bone and