ionable interest of this issue is beyond the scope of this review article. The potential mechanisms and significance of nanoliposome therapies for AD, which are still are in clinical trials, will be discussed.Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measures the functional activity of the cerebral cortex. The concentration changes of oxygenated (oxy-Hb) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) can be detected and associated with activation of the cortex in the investigated area (neurovascular coupling). Recorded signals of hemodynamic responses may contain influences from physiological signals (systemic influences, physiological artifacts) which do not originate from the cerebral cortex activity. The physiological artifacts contain the blood pressure (BP), respiratory patterns, and the pulsation of the heart. In order to perform a comprehensive analysis of recorded fNIRS data, a proper correction of these physiological artifacts is necessary. This article introduces NICA - a novel toolbox for near-infrared spectroscopy calculations and analyses based on MATLAB. With NICA it is possible to process and visualize fNIRS data, including different signal processing methods for physiological artifact correction. The artifact correction methods used in this toolbox are common average reference (CAR), independent component analysis (ICA), and transfer function (TF) models. A practical example provides results from a study, where NICA was used for analyzing the measurement data, in order to demonstrate the signal processing steps and the physiological artifact correction. The toolbox was developed for fNIRS data recorded with the NIRScout 1624 measurement device and the corresponding recording software NIRStar.Objective To supply the attending doctor's diagnosis of the persisting of cerebral small vessel disease and speed up their work effectively, we developed a "deep learning system (DLS)" for cerebral small vessel disease predication. The reliability and the disease area segmentation accuracy, of the proposed DLS, was also investigated. Methods A deep learning model based on the convolutional neural network was designed and trained on 1,010 DWI b1000 images from 1010 patients diagnosed with segmentation of subcortical infarction, 359 T2∗ images from 359 patients diagnosed with segmentation of cerebral microbleed, as well as 824 T1-weighted and T2-FLAIR images from 824 patients diagnosed with segmentation of lacune and WMH. Dicw accuracy, recall, and f1-score were calculated to evaluate the proposed deep learning model. Finally, we also compared the DLS prediction capability with that of 6 doctors with 3 to 18 years' clinical experience (8 ± 6 years). Results The results support that an appropriately trained DLS can achieve a high-level dice accuracy, 0.598 in the training section over all these four classifications on 30 patients (0.576 for young neuroradiologists), validation accuracy is 0.496 in lacune, 0.666 in WMH, 0.728 in subcortical infarction, and 0.503 in cerebral microbleeds. It is comparable to attending doctor with a few years of experience, regardless of whether the emphasis is placed on the segmentation or detection of lesions with less time-spending compared with manual analysis, about 4.4 s/case, which is dramatically less than doctors about 634 s/case. Conclusion The results of our comparison lend support to the case that an appropriately trained DLS can be trusted to the same extent as one would trust an attending doctor with a few years of experience, regardless of whether the emphasis is placed on the segmentation or detection of lesions.Every joint collaborative physical activity performed by a group of people, e.g., carrying a table, typically leads to the emergence of spatiotemporal coordination of individual motor behavior. Such interpersonal coordination can arise solely based on the observation of the partners' and/or the object's movements, without the presence of verbal communication. In this paper, we investigate how the social coupling between two individuals in a collaborative task translates into measured objective and subjective performance indicators recorded in two different studies. We analyse the trends in the dyadic interrelationship based on the information-theoretic measure of transfer entropy and identify emerging leader-follower roles. In our experimental paradigm, the actions of the pair of subjects are continuously and seamlessly fused, resulting in a joint control of an object simulated on a tablet computer. Subjects need to synchronize their movements with a 90° phase difference in order to keep the object (a ball) rotating precisely on a predefined circular or elliptic trajectory on a tablet device. Results demonstrate how the identification of causal dependencies in this social interaction task could reveal specific trends in human behavior and provide insights into the emergence of social sensorimotor contingencies.Objective This study evaluated cortical encoding of voice onset time (VOT) in quiet and noise, and their potential associations with the behavioral categorical perception of VOT in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). Design Subjects were 11 children with ANSD ranging in age between 6.4 and 16.2 years. The stimulus was an /aba/-/apa/ vowel-consonant-vowel continuum comprising eight tokens with VOTs ranging from 0 ms (voiced endpoint) to 88 ms (voiceless endpoint). For speech in noise, speech tokens were mixed with the speech-shaped noise from the Hearing In Noise Test at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of +5 dB. Speech-evoked auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral categorization perception of VOT were measured in quiet in all subjects, and at an SNR of +5 dB in seven subjects. The stimuli were presented at 35 dB SL (re pure tone average) or 115 dB SPL if this limit was less than 35 dB SL. In addition to the onset response, the auditory change complex (ACC) elicited by VOTT in children with ANSD. In quiet, categorical boundaries of VOT estimated using behavioral measures and ERP recordings are closely associated with speech recognition performance in children with ANSD. Underlying mechanisms for excessive speech perception deficits in noise may vary for individual patients with ANSD.