2.1]decan-6-ol from Laurencia sp. to be potent inhibitors of multiple target senescent-cell anti-apoptotic pathway proteins. We simulated the best overall target inhibitors, specific protein inhibitors and molecular pathway regulators with each target protein and found stable interactions with minimum deviations (mean RMSD = 0.17 ± 0.01 nm) and gyrations (mean Rg = 1.64 ± 0.16 nm) of the simulated protein-compound complexes. Finally, molecular mechanics calculation suggests potent (mean ΔG = -69.56 ± 27.19 kCal/mol) and frequent hydrophobic interactions between the top performing marine phycocompounds and target proteins.The purpose of this integrative review was to synthesize evidence concerning the relationship between comorbid obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia (OSA+I), and depressive symptoms. OSA and insomnia are common sleep disorders, recently comorbid OSA+I has been recognized as prevalent in adults. Although each sleep disorder increases the risk and severity of depressive symptoms, the effect of comorbid OSA+I on depressive symptoms remains unclear. A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO identified 15 data-based studies. All the studies were observational with either a cross-sectional (n = 14) or a case-control design (n = 1). Study quality was assessed. Most of the studies (n = 14) indicated that comorbid OSA+I had an additive role on depressive symptoms. Insomnia appeared to have a more important role than OSA in increasing the severity of depressive symptoms in persons with comorbid OSA+I.The SENP1 (Sentrin-Specific Protease1) is essential for desumoylation. SENP1 plays an essential role in many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer via targeting GATA2, NEMO, Pin1, SMAD4 and HIF-1α for deSUMOylation. Considering that, over expression of SENP1 was reported in cancer, thus an optional inhibitor of SENP1 can restitute the balance to the skewed system of SUMO and act as an