Results show that network features play a more significant role in predicting engagement in sex behaviors than prevention behaviors. Specifically, having more confidants, having confidants who are family members, meeting sex partners online, having more YBMSM Facebook friends, belonging to Facebook groups with an LGBTQ focus, and having greater subject diversity in one's Facebook group affiliations were significantly associated with one or more sex behavior outcomes. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our findings for HIV prevention intervention efforts.In 2017, U.S. damages from natural hazard events exceeded $300B, suggesting that current targets for building performance do not sufficiently mitigate loss. The significant costs borne by individuals, insurers, and government do not include impacts from social disruption, displacement, and subsequent economic and livelihood effects. In 2016, Congress mandated the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) develop a report (NIST SP 1224) describing the research needs, implementation activities, and engineering principles necessary to improve the performance of residential and commercial buildings subjected to natural hazards. An Immediate Occupancy Performance Objective (IOPO) could help preserve building and social functions post event, minimizing physical, social, and economic disaster. The stakeholder-informed NIST report sets forth items needed for multi-hazard building design that can support enhanced resilience decision-making. This paper highlights the social and economic considerations that require additional research, particularly with regard to feasibility and potential impacts from an IOPO. These topics must be considered prior to and throughout the IOPO technical development and community implementation processes to ensure better outcomes after natural hazard events.Rivaroxaban has the most available data to support the use of prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) as a reversal agent. However, PCC might increase the incidence of thrombotic events by shifting the haemostatic balance towards hypercoagulability. We assessed the in vitro efficacy and safety of three 4-factor PCCs for reversing rivaroxaban anticoagulant effect. Our in vitro finding indicates that 4-factor PCCs at the dose of 25 1 may be sufficient to reverse rivaroxaban anticoagulant effect.Research engaging qualitatively with clinical practitioners' understanding of, and response to, self-harm has been limited. Self-harm offers a particularly compelling case through which to examine the enduring challenges faced by practitioners in treating patients whose presenting symptoms are not clearly biomedical in nature. In this paper, we present an analysis of 30 General Practitioners' (GPs') accounts of treating patients who had self-harmed. Our analysis demonstrates the complex ways in which GPs seek to make sense of self-harm. Illustrated through three common 'types' of patients (the 'good girl', the 'problem patient' and the 'out of the blue'), we show how GPs grapple with ideas of 'social' and 'psychological' causes of self-harm. We argue that these tensions emerge in different ways according to the social identities of patients, with accounts shaped by local contexts, including access to specialist services, as well as by cultural understandings regarding the legitimacy of self-harming behaviour. We suggest that studying the social life of self-harm in general practice extends a sociological analysis of self-harm more widely, as well as contributing to sociological theorisation on the doctor-patient relationship. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the collective term for chronic immune-mediated diseases of unknown, multifactorial etiology, arising from the interplay between genetic and environmental factors and including two main disease manifestations ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease. In the last few decades, naturally occurring alkaloids have gained interest because of their substantial anti-inflammatory effects in several animal models of disease. Studies on mouse models of IBD have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory action of the main tobacco alkaloid, nicotine. In addition, anatabine, a minor tobacco alkaloid also present in peppers, tomato, and eggplant presents anti-inflammatory properties in vivo and in vitro. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties of nicotine and anatabine in a dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) mouse model of UC. Oral administration of anatabine, but not nicotine, reduced the clinical symptoms of DSS-induced colitis. The result of gene expression analysis suggested that anatabine had a restorative effect on global DSS-induced gene expression profiles, while nicotine only had limited effects. Accordingly, MAP findings revealed that anatabine reduced the colonic abundance of DSS-associated cytokines and increased IL-10 abundance. Our results support the amelioration of inflammatory effects by anatabine in the DSS mouse model of UC, and suggest that anatabine constitutes a promising therapeutic agent for IBD treatment. Our results support the amelioration of inflammatory effects by anatabine in the DSS mouse model of UC, and suggest that anatabine constitutes a promising therapeutic agent for IBD treatment. Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) is a tumor suppressor in gastric cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. As the promoter and coding region of are fully embedded in a CpG island, we hypothesized that is a tumor suppressor lncRNA epigenetically silenced by promoter DNA methylation in multiple myeloma. Methylation-specific PCR and quantitative bisulfite pyrosequencing were performed to detect the methylation of in normal plasma cells, myeloma cell lines and primary myeloma samples. The expression of was measured by qRT-PCR. The function of in multiple myeloma cells was analyzed by lentivirus transduction followed by migration assay. methylation was detected in 10 (66.7%) myeloma cell lines but not normal plasma cells, and inversely correlated with expression of . In primary samples, methylation was detected in 3 (12.5%) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, 9 (15.8%) myeloma at diagnosis and 8 (17.0%) myeloma at relapse/progression. Moreover, methylation at diagnosis was associated with inferior overall survival (median OS 25 vs.