The open porosity of air-saturated acoustical porous materials is estimated from the low-frequency or high-frequency asymptotes of the real part of the dynamic bulk modulus. Combining this technique with the estimation of the static air-flow resistivity from the low-frequency asymptote of the imaginary part of the dynamic mass density and the analytical inversions of the remaining parameters from the dynamic mass density and bulk modulus [methods introduced by Panneton and Olny, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119(4), 2027-2040 (2006) and Olny and Panneton 123(2), 814-824 (2008)], this work estimates all six parameters of a Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge model from impedance tube measurements. A classical two-microphone impedance tube, as well as three- or four-microphone tubes, can be used for these measurements and estimations. Examples of applications and limits of the method are presented and a tool to estimate the open porosity and the static air-flow resistivity is made available online.Monitoring and analysis of the ambient noise on the shelf of the Black Sea produced by snapping shrimps is provided. The deviations of this process from the pure random one, including an increase in the coefficient of variation and a positive correlation of neighboring intervals were revealed. The fractal properties of the activity, which manifested themselves in a power dependence of the Fano factors on the counting time and in the dynamic changes of the Hurst index, was noticed. The chaotic transition of the click generation process in the population from pure random to trend was observed and vice versa.An analytical model based on the low reduced-frequency method is developed for the damping and spring force coefficients of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) structures. The model is based on a full-plate approach that includes thermal and viscous losses and hole end effects, as well as inertial and compressibility effects. Explicit analytical formulas are derived for damping and spring forces of perforated circular MEMS with open and closed edge boundary conditions. A thermo-viscous finite-element method (FEM) model is also developed for the numerical solution of the problem. Results for the damping and spring coefficients from the analytical models are in good agreement with the FEM results over a large range of frequencies and parameters. The analytic formulas obtained for the damping and spring coefficients provide a useful tool for the design and optimization of perforated MEMS. Specifically, it is shown that for a fixed perforation ratio of the back-plate the radius of the holes can be optimized to minimize the damping.Lung ultrasound (LUS) is a rapidly evolving field of application for ultrasound technologies. Especially during the current pandemic, many clinicians around the world have employed LUS to assess the condition of the lung for patients suspected and/or affected by COVID-19. However, LUS is currently performed with standard ultrasound imaging, which is not designed to cope with the high air content present in lung tissues. Nowadays LUS lacks standardization and suffers from the absence of quantitative approaches. To elevate LUS to the level of other ultrasound imaging applications, several aspects deserve attention from the technical and clinical world. This overview piece tries to provide the reader with a forward-looking view on the future for LUS.Passive cavitation detection can be performed to monitor microbubble activity during brain therapy. Microbubbles under ultrasound exposure generate a response characterized by multiple nonlinear emissions. Here, the wide bandwidth of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) was exploited to monitor the microbubble signature through a rat skull and a macaque skull. The intrinsic nonlinearity of the CMUTs was characterized in receive mode. Indeed, undesirable nonlinear components generated by the CMUTs must be minimized as they can mask the microbubble harmonic response. The microbubble signature at harmonic and ultra-harmonic components (0.5-6 MHz) was successfully extracted through a rat skull using moderate bias voltage.A general blind deconvolution algorithmic framework is developed for sources of opportunity (e.g., ships at known locations) in an ocean waveguide. Here, both channel impulse responses (CIRs) and unknown source signals need to be simultaneously estimated from only the recorded signals on a receiver array using blind deconvolution, which is generally an ill-posed problem without any a priori information or additional assumptions about the underlying structure of the CIRs. By exploiting the typical ray-like arrival-time structure of the CIRs between a surface source and the elements of a vertical line array (VLA) in ocean waveguides, a principle component analysis technique is applied to build a bilinear parametric model linking the amplitudes and arrival-times of the CIRs across all channels for a variety of admissible ocean environments. The bilinear channel representation further reduces the dimension of the channel parametric model compared to linear models. A truncated power interaction deconvolution algorithm is then developed by applying the bilinear channel model to the traditional subspace deconvolution method. Numerical and experimental results demonstrate the robustness of this blind deconvolution methodology.The reflection of audio sounds generated by a parametric array loudspeaker (PAL) is investigated in this paper. The image source method and the non-paraxial PAL radiation model under the quasilinear approximation are used to calculate the reflected audio sound from an infinitely large surface with an arbitrary incident angle. The effects of the surface absorption in the ultrasound frequency range are studied, and the simulation and experiment results show that the reflection behavior of audio sounds generated by a PAL is different from those generated by traditional audio sources. The reason is that the reflected sound generated by the PAL consists of the reflection of audio sounds generated by incident ultrasounds and the audio sounds generated by the reflected ultrasound, and it is the latter that determines the directivity of the reflected audio sound.