We present a method to extend the axial range of digital holographic microscopy based on the optimal modified lateral shearing interferometer (MLSI). The proposed system can extend the axial range by using a dual optical plate. The interference pattern with two spatial wavelengths is generated by the plate with different thicknesses. These spatial wavelengths transfer a dual spatial frequency into the Fourier plane by using FFT. Two phases are extracted by a dual spatial frequency and combined to create a synthetic wavelength, which is applied to measure the micrometer-scale object without phase unwrapping. Also, the noise-reducing algorithm is used to reduce phase noise caused by the amplified noise of the synthetic wavelength. The experimental result confirms the feasibility of the optimal MLSI by using a dual optical plate.The combination of single-pixel-imaging and single-photon-counting technology can achieve ultrahigh-sensitivity photon-counting imaging. However, its applications in high-resolution and real-time scenarios are limited by the long sampling and reconstruction time. Deep-learning-based compressive sensing provides an effective solution due to its ability to achieve fast and high-quality reconstruction. This paper proposes a sampling and reconstruction integrated neural network for single-photon-counting compressive imaging. To effectively remove the blocking artefact, a subpixel convolutional layer is jointly trained with a deep reconstruction network to imitate compressed sampling. By modifying the forward and backward propagation of the network, the first layer is trained into a binary matrix, which can be applied to the imaging system. An improved deep-reconstruction network based on the traditional Inception network is proposed, and the experimental results show that its reconstruction quality is better than existing deep-learning-based compressive sensing reconstruction algorithms.In this paper, we present a theoretical model based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation to characterize GHz-range passively mode-locked fiber lasers. The modeled cavities of the lasers are configured by a highly doped and polarization-maintaining single fiber of a single type. For different pulse repetition rates, ranging from 1.0 to 10.0 GHz, gain parameters and pump threshold for a stable mode-locked laser emission are studied. Pulse time width, spectral width, and semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) properties are defined to achieve stable emission. To experimentally validate our theoretical model, 1.0 and 2.2 GHz laser cavities have been built up and amplified. A stable and robust operation for both frequencies was obtained, and the experimental measurements have been found to match the theoretical predictions. Finally, enhanced environmental stability has been achieved using a cavity temperature control system and an antivibration enclosure.Light reflectance spectroscopy (LRS) is a multispectral technique, sensitive to the absorption and scattering properties of biological molecules in tissues. It is used as a noninvasive tool to extract quantitative physiological information from human tissues and organs. A near-infrared LRS based on a single optical probe was used to monitor changes in optical and hemodynamic parameters in a mouse model of autism. A murine model of autism induced by developmental exposure to valproic acid (VPA) was used. Since autism could be attributed to neuroanatomical changes, we hypothesize that these changes can be detected using the LRS because spectral properties depend on both molecular composition and structural changes. The fiber-optic probe in the setup consisted of seven small optical fibers six fibers for illumination placed in a circular manner around a central single collection fiber. Overall, measurements demonstrate changes in diffused reflectance spectra, cerebral optical tissue properties (absorption and scattering), and chromophore levels. Furthermore, we were able to identify differences between male and female groups. Finally, the effectiveness of S-Adenosylmethionine as a drug therapy was studied and found to improve the hemodynamic outcome. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the LRS is utilized to study variations in brain parameters in the VPA autism model mice through an intact scalp.COMSOL Multiphysics was employed to establish a dislocation model based on the Alexander and Haasen (AH) model, the heat conduction equation, and Hooke's law for calculating the dislocation distribution of germanium (Ge) under laser irradiation. The numerical simulation results were obtained. A continuous 1080 nm laser was utilized to ablate the monocrystalline Ge wafers to validate the model. The experimental results show that no surface damage appears until the irradiances go up to 234W/cm2 for 100 ms laser ablation. This is consistent with the numerical findings. The initiation times of surface damage by the experiments at 234W/cm2 and above agree well with the numerical results, which means that the model can efficiently predict the dislocation field.Critical Care Medicine is a specialty dealing with the comprehensive management of patients having, or at risk of developing, acute, life threatening organ dysfunction. The glaring need of critical care services and human resources for critical care have become more evident in the face of the current COVID-19 Pandemic. At this juncture, when the world is facing threat to humanity with an increasing number of deaths due to COVID 19 pandemic, the discussion about the need for ICU beds and human resources for critical care management has re-surfaced and is being increasingly realized. In Nepal, as of 15th April, 2020, there are 194 hospitals with ICU facilities. The total ICU bed strength is 1595 in 194 hospitals (which is approximately 6% of all hospital beds) and only around 50% of them are equipped with ventilators (840). These figures indicate that Nepal has approximately 2.8 ICU beds per 100,000 population. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ici-118551-ici-118-551.html As Nepal braces to contain a major COVID-19 outbreak, the hospital capacities of the country have already come under huge pressure. If the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to rise at the current pace, the shortage of critical care facilities will become more glaring than ever before. The current pandemic is a tremendous opportunity for health planners to accelerate action and ensure that the country is well-equipped to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to be working towards infrastructure and human resource strengthening and expansion in critical care, in order to efficiently contain the pandemic.