4% showed moderate PA and 23.2% a low PA score. A progressive reduction in ADL and IADL score was associated with lower physical activity (p value = 0.0038 and 0.0017). We consider cognitive performance reduction with a cut off of loss of more than 5 points in Short Port of ADL and IADL and a loss of more than 15 points on Exton-Smith Scale, (p-value 0.017 and 0.010). In the logistic regression analysis, which evaluated the independent role of PASE in disability development, statistical significance was not reached, showing an Odds Ratio of 0.51 95% CI 0.25-1.03 p value 0.062. Discussion Reduced physical activity in everyday life in elderly is associated with increased post-hospitalization disability regarding independence, cognitive performance and immobilization. Conclusions Poor physical performance diagnosis may allow to perform a standardized multidimensional protocol to improve PA to reduce disability incidence.Hereditary retinoblastoma survivors have substantially increased risk of subsequent malignant neoplasms (SMNs). The risk of benign neoplasms, a substantial cause of morbidity, is unclear. We calculated the cumulative incidence of developing benign tumors at 60 years following retinoblastoma diagnosis among 1128 hereditary (i.e., bilateral retinoblastoma or unilateral with family history, mutation testing was not available) and 924 nonhereditary retinoblastoma survivors diagnosed during 1914-2006 at two US medical centers with follow-up through 2016. Using Cox proportional hazards regression, we compared benign tumor risk by hereditary status and evaluated the association between benign tumors and SMNs. There were 100 benign tumors among 73 hereditary survivors (cumulative incidence = 17.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 12.9-22.8%) and 22 benign tumors among 16 nonhereditary survivors (cumulative incidence = 3.9%; 95%CI = 2.2-6.4%), corresponding to 4.9-fold (95%CI = 2.8-8.4) increased risk for hereditary survivors.