Phosphonium ions are widely used in preparative organic synthesis and catalysis. The provision of new types of cations that contain both functional and chiral information is a major synthetic challenge and can open up new horizons in asymmetric cation-directed and Lewis acid catalysis. We discovered an efficient methodology towards new Si-chiral four-membered CPSSi* heterocyclic cations. Three synthetic approaches are presented. The stereochemical sequence of anchimerically assisted cation formation with B(C6 F5 )3 and subsequent hydride addition was fully elucidated and proceeds with excellent preservation of the chiral information at the stereogenic silicon atom. Also the mechanism of dihydrogen release from a protonated hydrosilane was studied in detail by the help of Si-centered chirality as stereochemical probe. Chemoselectivity switch (dihydrogen release vs. protodesilylation) can easily be achieved through slight modifications of the solvent. A matched/mismatched case was identified and the intermolecularity of this reaction supported by spectroscopic, kinetic, deuterium-labeling experiments, and quantum chemical calculations. To localize vagal branches within the surgical field of laryngoplasty and identify potentially hazardous surgical steps. Observational cadaveric study. Five equine head-neck specimens and four entire equine cadavers. Dissection of the pharyngeal region from a surgical perspective. Neuronal structures were considered at risk if touched or if the distance to instruments was less than 5 mm. The branches of the pharyngeal plexus (PP) supplying the cricopharyngeal muscle (PPcr), the thyropharyngeal muscle (PPth), and the esophagus (PPes) were identified in the surgical field in nine of nine, five of nine, and one of nine specimens, respectively. The internal branch of the cranial laryngeal nerve (ibCLN) was identified within the carotid sheath in six of nine specimens. The external branch of the cranial laryngeal nerve (ebCLN) was identified close to the septum of the caudal constrictors in nine of nine specimens. The blade of the tissue retractor compressed the ibCLN in six of six, the ebCLN in four of six, the PPcr in six of six, the PPth in two of three, and the PPes in two of two specimens in which the respective nerves were identified after further dissection. Surgical exploration of the dorsolateral aspect of the pharynx and the incision of the septum of the caudal constrictors harmed the ebCLN in nine of nine, PPcr in seven of nine, and PPth in four of eight specimens. Several vagal branches were located in the surgical field and must be considered at risk because of their location. Use of the tissue retractor, dissection over the pharynx, and dissection of the septum of the caudal constrictors involve a risk to damage vagal branches. Use of the tissue retractor, dissection over the pharynx, and dissection of the septum of the caudal constrictors involve a risk to damage vagal branches. Patients with Down syndrome have a high incidence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and limited treatment options. Hypoglossal stimulation has shown efficacy but has not yet been approved for pediatric populations. Our objective is to characterize the therapy response of adolescent patients with down syndrome and severe OSA who underwent hypoglossal stimulation. Prospective longitudinal trial. We are conducting a multicenter single-arm trial of hypoglossal stimulation for adolescent patients with Down syndrome and severe OSA. Interim analysis was performed to compare objective sleep and quality of life outcomes at 12 months postoperatively for the first 20 patients. The mean age was 15.5 and baseline AHI 24.2. Of the 20 patients, two patients (10.0%) had an AHI under 1.5 at 12 months; nine patients of 20 (45.0%) under five; and 15 patients of 20 (75.0%) under 10. The mean decrease in AHI was 15.1 (P < .001). Patients with postoperative AHI over five had an average baseline OSA-18 survey score of 3.5 with an average improvement of 1.7 (P = .002); in addition, six of these patients had a relative decrease of apneas compared to hypopneas and seven had an improvement in percentage of time with oxygen saturation below 90%. Patients with persistently elevated AHI 12 months after hypoglossal implantation experienced improvement in polysomnographic and quality of life outcomes. These results suggest the need for a closer look at physiologic markers for success beyond reporting AHI as the gold standard. 4 Laryngoscope, 2020. 4 Laryngoscope, 2020.Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, whose prevalence is 2~3% in the population over 65. α-Synuclein aggregation is the major pathological hallmark of PD. However, recent studies have demonstrated enhancing evidence of tau pathology in PD. Despite extensive considerations, thus far, the actual spreading mechanism of neurodegeneration has remained elusive in a PD brain. This study aimed to further investigate the development of α-synuclein and tau pathology. We employed various PD models, including cultured neurons treated with either 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) or with recombinant α-synuclein. Also, we studied dopaminergic neurons of cytokine Interferon-β knock-out. Moreover, we examined rats treated with 6-hydroxydopamine, Rhesus monkeys administrated with MPTP neurotoxin, and finally, human post-mortem brains. We found the α-synuclein phosphorylation triggers tau pathogenicity. Also, we observed more widespread phosphorylated tau than α-synuclein with prion-like nature in various brain areas. We optionally removed P-tau or P-α-synuclein from cytokine interferon-β knock out with respective monoclonal antibodies. We found that tau immunotherapy suppressed neurodegeneration more than α-synuclein elimination. Our findings indicate that the pathogenic tau could be one of the leading causes of comprehensive neurodegeneration triggered by PD. Thus, we can propose an efficient therapeutic target to fight the devastating disorder. While nonunion after mandibular reconstruction for head and neck surgery is rare, literature exploring management is scarce. Our primary objective was to determine success rates of tibial bone graft (TBG) in achieving mandibular union. Secondary objectives include determining factors that contribute to failure of TBG. Retrospective Chart Review. Retrospective chart review between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2018. Patients who underwent a mandibulotomy or mandibulectomy with osteocutaneous free flap reconstruction were identified. Patients who were pursuing dental rehabilitation, subsequently diagnosed with mandibular nonunion and received a cancellous TBG were assessed. The 15 patients meeting inclusion criteria were mostly male (67%), white (87%), and nonsmokers (67%) with a median age of 64 (IQR = 60-73). Successful union occurred in 13 of 18 (72%) TBGs and the majority (63%) had a partial union documented at the time of surgery. Five patients (83%) who initially had a mandibulotomy achieved union compared to 78% of those with osteocutaneous reconstruction (P = 1.