further research related to eosinophilia and its causes in the context of varying histologies and clinical profiles of patients is warranted.A paraduodenal hernia (PDH) is a rare type of internal hernia, which results from anomalous rotation and reduction of the midgut loop in the embryo. The diagnosis is often difficult due to nonspecific symptoms. The mortality from an acute internal hernia can be close to 50% when the diagnosis and definitive surgical treatment are delayed. Here we present a rare case of obstructed left paraduodenal hernia (LPDH) in a COVID-positive patient. This is probably the earliest report of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction due to LPDH in a COVID-positive patient. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is a basic method for cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment. Studies done to assess the appropriate use of TTE in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are scarce. To assess the pattern of ordering TTE in King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH) and the appropriateness of its ordering. A retrospective study was done from October to November 2018 at KAUH, Echo lab, Jeddah City, KSA. Patients, more than 18 years who had TTE at KAUH wereincluded. The criteria used were the 2019 criteria for most patients and the orders were appropriate for 77.9% of the 954 patients. Orders were significantly inappropriate for patients who had older age, and the number of indications were significantly higher for those whose orders were - "maybe appropriate"(M). The anesthesia department for outpatients and the surgical department for inpatients ordered a significantlyhigh number of inappropriate requests. Inpatients had a significantly higher percentage of "appropriate" (A) orders, and a significant positive correlation was present between patients' age and number of indications. There is a need to maximize compliance with AUCs and its effect on clinical results should be evaluated. There is a need to ma