It is not uncommon for people to become unnerved while looking for a new car. With and cars out there, a consumer can feel overwhelmed. Use the tips in the article to make your next car purchase stress-free. Do not let a dealer talk you into buying more car than you can afford. Some salesmen can talk you into an expensive car you cannot afford. Remember that the salesman wants his commission! Do your research online in order to find the best deals. A simple Internet search can help you save a lot of money. Find what you like, and have your dealership order it for you. If the dealership is close, think about going to them to save a little more money. Bring in an impartial mechanic before purchasing used. If they say no, leave. A professional mechanic is going to be able to give you objective feedback about the state of the car, including signs of previous wrecks or exposure to flood waters. Take someone with you when you are car shopping. Your person will be your second set of eyes and ears. This can be anyone you trust like a parent, spouse or friend. Ask your family and friends about what they know about cars. Are with their purchases? Are they sorry they purchased the vehicle? What do they know about other cars out on the market? When you're in the market for a car, this is a good way to get some preliminary information that you can start with. Get your budget straight before you head to a car dealership. You should never purchase a vehicle if you cannot really afford it. The salesman is not the person that make six years worth of car payments. It's very important to go for a test drive before making a purchase. Even if you have previously test driven the same make and model, you need to make sure that this car drives well. You might find that there are some small things that are not the same or that there is something wrong. MPG plays a huge role in a car p