Finally, we find that RNAP bound to non-specific DNA predominantly exhibits a closed clamp conformation. Our results raise the possibility of additional regulatory checkpoints that could affect clamp dynamics and consequently could affect transcription and transcriptional regulation.Nucleosome-nucleosome interactions drive the folding of nucleosomal arrays into dense chromatin fibers. A better physical account of the folding of chromatin fibers is necessary to understand the role of chromatin in regulating DNA transactions. Here, we studied the unfolding pathway of regular chromatin fibers as a function of single base pair increments in linker length, using both rigid base-pair Monte Carlo simulations and single-molecule force spectroscopy. Both computational and experimental results reveal a periodic variation of the folding energies due to the limited flexibility of the linker DNA. We show that twist is more restrictive for nucleosome stacking than bend, and find the most stable stacking interactions for linker lengths of multiples of 10 bp. We analyzed nucleosomes stacking in both 1- and 2-start topologies and show that stacking preferences are determined by the length of the linker DNA. Moreover, we present evidence that the sequence of the linker DNA also modulates nucleosome stacking and that the effect of the deletion of the H4 tail depends on the linker length. Importantly, these results imply that nucleosome positioning in vivo not only affects the phasing of nucleosomes relative to DNA but also directs the higher-order structure of chromatin. To examine the effect of alcohol cue exposure on tobacco-related cravings, self-administration and other measures of tobacco-related cue reactivity. We searched Medline, PsycINFO, Embase, CINAHL and Scopus from inception to May 2020 for articles reporting on a combination of cue reactivity (and/or cross-cue reactivity), alcohol use and tobacco consumption. A semi-quanti