Association was not found between HERV env expression and LTR methylation, but significant higher expression of HERV-P and -R env was found in tumor tissues arising from the right colon. Our findings do not demonstrate significant overexpression of the studied HERV in colorectal cancer, but their association with tumor localization and specificity of the changes in DNA methylation of retroelements are shown. HERV sequences were packaged in the EVs and might be transferred from one cell to another.Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) encephalitis (HSE) is the most common sporadic viral encephalitis in Western countries. Over the last 15 years, human genetic and immunological studies have provided proof-of-principle that childhood HSE can result from inborn errors of central nervous system (CNS)-specific, cell-intrinsic immunity to HSV-1. HSE-causing mutations of eight genes disrupt known (TLR3-dependent IFN-α/β immunity) and novel (dependent on DBR1 or snoRNA31) antiviral mechanisms. Monogenic inborn errors confer susceptibility to forebrain (TLR3-IFN or snoRNA31) or brainstem (DBR1) HSE. Most of these disorders display incomplete clinical penetrance, with the possible exception of DBR1 deficiency. They account for a small, but non-negligible proportion of cases (about 7%). These findings pave the way for the gradual definition of the genetic and immunological architecture of childhood HSE, with both biological and clinical implications.The human immune system consists of multiple, layered mechanisms of sensing and responding to cellular stress, infection and tissue damage to ensure defense from pathogens, maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and the integrity of the holobiont. Every single cell in the body has a role to play, but a few dozen, specialized white blood cells are particularly important in this respect. Understanding the overall state of this multifaceted system in a single individual is challenging, and we ar