Results indicated that capacitation-like changes were synergistically induced by the cAMP agonists, phosphodiesterase inhibitor and bicarbonate. The presence of bovine serum albumin was harmful to the plasma membrane. The MnTBAP supplementation had a positive effect on viability-related markers (plasma membrane integrity, membrane fluidity, associated with greater intracellular pH) when there were capacitating conditions. In conclusion, the activity of MnTBAP contributes to improving the in vitro incubation conditions of frozen-thawed stallion sperm.Supplementation of N-carbamylglutamate (NCG) improves gestation outcomes, with increased piglet within-litter uniformity of birth weight and reduced peripheral steroid concentrations in pregnant sows and ewes. It was hypothesized that the effect of NCG on placental function results from direct effects on the placental trophoblasts. There, therefore, was investigation of the effects of NCG on pig placental trophoblast (pTr) steroidogenesis, mRNA transcript abundance, and cell proliferation in vitro. The pTr were treated with NCG in serum-free medium for 24-48 h. Treatment with NCG inhibited pTr progesterone, androstenedione, testosterone (all P   0.10) on relative abundances of StAR, HSD17B4, or HSD3B mRNA transcripts. Treatments with NCG can increase pTr cell numbers of sows through upregulating CCND1 and CDK4 and suppressing CASP3 mRNA transcript abundances, while modulating steroidogenesis through effects on CYP11A1 and CYP19A1 mRNA transcript abundances. It is concluded that NCG may have a direct action on pTr and may regulate placental function by suppressing pTr differentiation as a consequence of lesser steroid synthesis while promoting pTr proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis in sows.Bacteria colonize stallion semen during collection and processing which may cause disease in inseminated females or negatively affect sperm quality during storage prior to