Based on the graphene floating gate, a tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber is proposed. Compared with the traditional graphene-dielectric-metal absorber, our absorber has the property of being non-volatile and capacity for anti-interference. Using the finite element method, the paper investigates the absorption spectra, the electric field energy distribution, the tunability and the physical mechanism. In addition, we also analyse the influence of geometry, polarization and incident angles on the absorption. Simulation results show that the bandwidth of the absorption above 90% can reach up to 2.597 THz at the center frequency of 3.970 THz, and the maximum absorption can be tuned continuously from 14.405% to 99.864% by controlling the Fermi level from 0 eV to 0.8 eV. Meanwhile, the proposed absorber has the advantages of polarization insensitivity and a wide angle, and has potential applications in imaging, sensing and photoelectric detection.Previous research involving epithelial ovarian cancer patients showed that, compared to germline BRCA (gBRCA) mutations, somatic BRCA (sBRCA) mutations present a similar positive impact with regard to overall survival (OS) and platinum and PARP (poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) inhibitor sensitivity. Nevertheless, molecular testing in these studies did not include copy number variation (CNV) analyses of BRCA genes. The aim of this study was to explore the prognostic and predictive role of sBRCA mutations as compared to gBRCA mutations in patients who were also tested for CNVs. Among the 158 patients included in the study, 17.09% of patients carried a pathogenic or likely pathogenic gBRCA variant and 15.19% of patients presented pathogenetic or likely pathogenic sBRCA variants and/or CNVs. Overall, 81.6% of the patients included in this study were diagnosed with a serous histotype, and 77.2% were in advanced stages. Among women diagnosed in advanced stages, gBRCA patients showed better progression-free survival and OS as compared to sBRCA and wild-type patients, whereas sBRCA patients did not show any advantage in outcome as compared to wild-type patients. In this study, the introduction of CNV analyses increased the detection rate of sBRCA mutations, and the resulting classification among gBRCA, sBRCA and wild-type patients was able to properly stratify the prognosis of OC patients. Particularly, sBRCA mutation patients failed to show any outcome advantage as compared to wild-type patients.UAVs often perform tasks that require flying close to walls or structures and in environments where a satellite-based location is not possible. Flying close to solid bodies implies a higher risk of collisions, thus requiring an increase in the precision of the measurement and control of the UAV's position. The aerodynamic distortions generated by nearby walls or other objects are also relevant, making the control more complex and further placing demands on the positioning system. Performing wall-related tasks implies flying very close to the wall and, in some cases, even touching it. This work presents a Near-Wall Positioning System (NWPS) based on the combination of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) solution and LIDAR-based range finders. This NWPS has been developed and tested to allow precise positioning and orientation of a multirotor UAV relative to a wall when performing tasks near it. Specific position and orientation control hardware based on horizontal thrusters has also been designed, allowing the UAV to move smoothly and safely near walls.The choice of optimal reference gene is challenging owing to the varied expression of reference genes in different organs, development stages, and experimental treatments. Brandt's vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) is an ideal animal to explore the regulatory mechanism of seasonal breeding, and many studies on this vole involve gene expression analysis using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). In this study, we used the method of the coefficient of variation and the NormFinder algorithm to evaluate the performance of nine commonly used reference genes Gapdh, Hprt1, β-actin, PPIA, Rpl13a, Tbp, Sdha, Hmbs, and B2M using qRT-PCR in eight different tissues, five developmental stages, and three different photoperiods. We found that all nine genes were not uniformly expressed among different tissues. B2M and Rpl13a were the optimal reference genes for different postnatal development stages in the hypothalamus for males and females, respectively. Under different photoperiods in the hypothalamus, none of the selected genes were suitable as reference genes at 6 weeks postnatal; β-actin and PPIA were the optimal reference genes at 12 weeks postnatal; Hprt1, β-actin, PPIA, Hmbs, and B2M were excellent reference genes at 24 weeks postnatal. The present study provides a useful basis for selecting the appropriate reference gene in Lasiopodomys brandtii.Horizontally shifted and asymmetric hysteresis loops are often associated with exchange-biased samples, consisting of a ferromagnet exchange coupled with an antiferromagnet. In purely ferromagnetic samples, such effects can occur due to undetected minor loops or thermal effects. Simulations of ferromagnetic nanostructures at zero temperature with sufficiently large saturation fields should not lead to such asymmetries. Here we report on micromagnetic simulations at zero temperature, performed on sputtered nanoparticles with different structures. The small deviations of the systems due to random anisotropy orientations in the different grains can not only result in strong deviations of magnetization reversal processes and hysteresis loops, but also lead to distinctly asymmetric, horizontally shifted hysteresis loops in purely ferromagnetic nanoparticles.Worldwide, the prevalence of allergies in young children, but also vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and in newborns is rising. Vitamin D modulates the development and activity of the immune system and a low vitamin D status during pregnancy and in early life might be associated with an increased risk to develop an allergy during early childhood. This review studies the effects of vitamin D during gestation and early life, on allergy susceptibility in infants. The bioactive form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D, inhibits maturation and results in immature dendritic cells that cause a decreased differentiation of naive T cells into effector T cells. Nevertheless, the development of regulatory T cells and the production of interleukin-10 was increased. Consequently, a more tolerogenic immune response developed against antigens. Secondly, binding of 1,25(OH)2D to epithelial cells induces the expression of tight junction proteins resulting in enhanced epithelial barrier function. Thirdly, 1,25(OH)2D increased the expression of anti-microbial peptides by epithelial cells that also promoted the defense mechanism against pathogens, by preventing an invasive penetration of pathogens.