Conclusively, validated metric tools can be employed on whole genome sequences, including draft assemblies, for the assessment and assignment of uncharacterized strains and species level ascription of newly isolated Paracoccus strains in future.Bacterial sporulation is a conserved process utilized by members of Bacillus genus and Clostridium in response to stress such as nutrient or temperature. Sporulation initiation is triggered by stress signals perceived by bacterial cell that leads to shutdown of metabolic pathways of bacterial cells. The mechanism of sporulation involves a complex network that is regulated at various checkpoints to form the viable bacterial spore. Engulfment is one such check point that drives the required cellular rearrangement necessary for the spore assembly and is mediated by bacterial proteolytic machinery that involves association of various Clp ATPases and ClpP protease. The present study highlights the importance of degradation of an anti-sigma factor F, SpoIIAB by ClpCP proteolytic machinery playing a crucial role in culmination of engulfment process during the sporulation in Bacillus anthracis.Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L) is an economically important crop, rich in nutrients, and is also conducive to solving ecological and environmental problems. Plants may acquire benefits from root-associated endophytic bacteria. However, the composition of the endophytic bacterial community associated with the roots of asparagus is poorly elucidated. In this study, the nine root samples of asparagus from three different varieties including Asparagus officinalis var. Grande (GLD), A. officinalis var. Jinglvlu3 (JL3) and A. officinalis var. Jingzilu2 (JZL) were investigated by high-throughput sequencing technology of the 16S rDNA V5-V7 hypervariable region of endophytic bacteria. A total of 16 phyla, 29 classes, 90 orders, 171 families, and 312 genera were identified. Endophytic bacteria diversity and bacteria structure was different among the three varieties and was influenced by rhizosphere soil properties and varieties. In the GLD variety, the main phyla were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. The main phylum in JL3 and JZL varieties was Proteobacteria. The observations showed that GLD had the highest diversity of endophytes as indicated by the Shannon index (GLD > JZL > JL3). The order of the endophytes richness was GLD > JL3 > JZL. The PCA and PCoA analysis revealed the microbial communities were different between three different asparagus varieties, and the microbial composition of GLD and JZL was more similar. This report provides an important reference for the study of endophytic microorganisms of asparagus. The online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s12088-021-00926-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s12088-021-00926-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.The acidification and warming of seawater have several impacts on marine organisms, including over microorganisms. The influence of acidification and warming of seawater on biofilms grown on API 5L steel surfaces was evaluated by sequencing the 16S ribosomal gene. For this, three microcosms were designed, the first simulating the natural marine environment (MCC), the second with a decrease in pH from 8.1 to 7.9, and an increase in temperature by 2 °C (MMS), and the third with pH in around 7.7 and an increase in temperature of 4 °C (MES). The results showed that MCC was dominated by the Gammaproteobacteria class, mainly members of the Alteromonadales Order. The second most abundant group was Alphaproteobacteria, with a predominance of Rhodobacterales and Oceanospirillales. In the MMS system there was a balance between representatives of the Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria classes. In MES there was an inversion in the representations of the most prevalent classes previously described in MCC. In this condition, there was a predominance of members of the Alphaproteobacteria Class, in contrast to the decrease in the abundance of Gammaproteobacteria members. These results suggest that possible future climate changes may influence the dynamics of the biofouling process in surface metals. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12088-021-00925-7. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12088-021-00925-7.A total of 50 Escherichia coli were isolated from buffalo meat and their antibiotic profiling was carried out. 90% E. coli isolates showed resistant to two or more classes of 21 commonly used antibiotics. Moreover, there was also variation in resistance/sensitivity behavior towards antibiotics. Highest resistance was found to be against methicillin (84%) in the isolates followed by vancomicin (70%), sulphadiazine (68%) and cefaclor (66%), whereas, resistance was less common for kanamycin (8%) and chloramphenicol (4%). ECMB1, ECMA2, ECMA8, ECMS9 and ECMA31 strains showed highest MDR pattern with presence of bla CTX-M, qnr S and qnr B resistant genes. ECMB1 strain was resistant to 14 antibiotics belonging to 7 different classes. Therefore, ECMB1 was selected for further studies. Sodium Alginate Film incorporated with 10, 20, and 30% ethanolic extract of Syzygium cumini (EESC) were formulated and characterized using state-of-art techniques. A dose-dependent antibacterial activity against E. coli ECMB1 was recorded by the films made from EESC (EESCF). The growth kinetics of E. coli strain ECMB1 showed 9% decrease in log CFU when it was cultured in 30% EESCF as compared to control cells after 12 h of growth. Present finding highlight the efficacy and possible use of EESCF as meat packaging film to prevent food spoilage caused by MDR bacteria.Expanded polystyrene (EPS), which is difficult to decompose, is usually buried or incinerated, causing the natural environment to be contaminated with microplastics and environmental hormones. Digestion of EPS by mealworms has been identified as a possible biological solution to the problem of pollution, but the complete degradation mechanism of EPS is not yet known. Intestinal microorganisms play a significant role in the degradation of EPS by mealworms, and relatively few other EPS degradation microorganisms are currently known. This study observed significant differences in the intestinal microbiota of mealworms according to the dietary results of metagenomics analysis and biodiversity indices. We have proposed two new candidates of EPS-degrading bacteria, Cronobacter sakazakii and Lactococcus garvieae, which increased significantly in the EPS feeding group population. The population change and the new two bacteria will help us understand the biological mechanism of EPS degradation and develop practical EPS degradation methods.