. This is the first report on the prevalence of ESBL/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated throughout commercial spinach production systems harboring class 1 and/or class 3 integrons in Gauteng Province, South Africa. The results add to the global knowledge base regarding the prevalence and characteristics of ESBL/AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae in fresh vegetables and the agricultural environment required for future risk analysis. Copyright © 2020 Richter, du Plessis, Duvenage and Korsten.The toxigenic conversion of Escherichia coli strains by Shiga toxin-converting (Stx) bacteriophages were prominent and recurring events in the stepwise evolution of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157H7 from an enteropathogenic (EPEC) O55H7 ancestor. Atypical, attenuated isolates have been described for both non-sorbitol fermenting (NSF) O157H7 and SF O157NM serotypes, which are distinguished by the absence of Stx, the characteristic virulence hallmark of Stx-producing E. coli (STEC). Such atypical isolates either never acquired Stx-phages or may have secondarily lost stx during the course of infection, isolation, or routine subculture; the latter are commonly referred to as LST (Lost Shiga Toxin)-isolates. In this study we analyzed the genomes of 15 NSF O157H7 and SF O157NM strains from North America, Europe, and Asia that are characterized by the absence of stx, the virulence hallmark of STEC. The individual genomic basis of the Stx (-) phenotype has remained largely undetermined as the majority of STEC gl evidence for its intermediate status. Taken together, these observations highlight the utility of LRTs for advancing our understanding of EHEC O157H7/NM pathogenome evolution. Insights into the genomic and phenotypic plasticity of STEC on a lineage- and genome-wide scale are foundational to improve and inform risk assessment, biosurveillance, and prevention strategies. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/rk-701.html Copyright © 2020 Nyong, Zaia, Allué-Guardia, Rodriguez, Irion-Byrd, Koenig, Feng, Bono and Eppinger.Predatory fungi in Orbiliaceae (Ascomycota) have evolved a diversity of trapping devices that enable them to trap and kill nematodes, other small animals, and protozoans. These trapping devices include adhesive hyphae, adhesive knobs, adhesive networks, constricting rings, and non-constricting rings. Their diversity and practical importance have attracted significant attention from biologists, making them excellent model organisms for studying adaptative evolution and as biological control agents against parasitic nematodes. The putative origins and evolutionary relationships among these carnivorous fungi have been investigated using nuclear protein-encoding genes, but their patterns of mitogenome relationships and divergences remain unknown. Here we analyze and compare the mitogenomes of 12 fungal strains belonging to eight species, including six species representing all four types of nematode trapping devices and two from related but non-predatory fungi. All 12 analyzed mitogenomes were of circular DNA molecules, with lengths ranging from 146,101 bp to 280,699 bp. Gene synteny analysis revealed several gene rearrangements and intron transfers among the mitogenomes. In addition, the number of protein coding genes (PCGs), GC content, AT skew, and GC skew varied among these mitogenomes. The increased number and total size of introns were the main contributors to the length differences among the mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses of the protein-coding genes indicated that mitochondrial and nuclear genomes evolved at different rates, and signals of positive selection were found in several genes involved in energy metabolism. Our study provides novel insights into the evolution of nematode-trapping fungi and shall facilitate further investigations of this ecologically and agriculturally important group of fungi. Copyright © 2020 Zhang, Yang, Fang, Deng, Zhang, Yu and Xu.Staphylococcus aureus is a well-known colonizer of the human skin and nose, but also a human pathogen that causes a wide spectrum of diseases. It is well established that S. aureus secretes an arsenal of virulence factors that have evolved to circumvent the human immune system. A major group of S. aureus virulence factors is the bi-component β-barrel pore-forming toxins, also known as leukocidins. These pore-forming toxins target specific cells of the innate and adaptive immune system by interacting with specific receptors expressed on the cell membrane. Even though still heavily debated, clinical and epidemiological studies suggest the involvement of one of the bi-component toxin, Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL), as an important factor contributing to the epidemic spread and increased virulence of CA-MRSA strains. However, the host- and cell-specificity of PVL and other leukocidins, and the lack of adequate in vivo models, fuels the controversy and impairs the appropriate assessment of their role in S. aureus pathophysiology. Currently, the mechanisms of pore-formation and the contribution of PVL and other leukocidins to S. aureus pathophysiology are incompletely understood. This review summarizes our current understanding of leukocidin pore-formation, knowledge gaps, and highlights recent findings identifying novel host-factors involved in the toxin-host interface. As a result, this review furthers emphasizes the complexity behind S. aureus leukocidin cytotoxicity and the challenges associated in the quest to study and understand these major virulence factors. Copyright © 2020 Tromp and van Strijp.Insect symbionts are major manipulators of host's behavior. Their effect on parameters such as fecundity, male mating competitiveness, and biological quality in general, can have a major influence on the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique (SIT). SIT is currently being developed and applied against human disease vectors, including Ae. albopictus, as an environment-friendly method of population suppression, therefore there is a renewed interest on both the characterization of gut microbiota and their exploitation in artificial rearing. In the present study, bacterial communities of eggs, larvae, and adults (both males and females) of artificially reared Ae. albopictus, were characterized using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. Mosquito-associated bacteria corresponding to thirteen and five bacteria genera were isolated from the larval food and the sugar solution (adult food), respectively. The symbiont community of the females was affected by the provision of a blood meal. Pseudomonas and Enterobacter were either introduced or enhanced with the blood meal, whereas Serratia were relatively stable during the adult stage of females.