We noted a significant association in the competency of medical knowledge with progression from assistant to full professor, and we noted a trend toward significance in professionalism and progression from assistant to full professor. These objective measures of clinician development and competency suggest association with levels of academic career development by rank within the institution. This rubric can be helpful for directing faculty development and faculty mentorship. These milestones are general enough that other physician specialties may be able to adopt them for their own needs. This rubric can be helpful for directing faculty development and faculty mentorship. These milestones are general enough that other physician specialties may be able to adopt them for their own needs. Many residency programs provide alcohol and drug screening, brief intervention (BI), and referral to treatment (SBIRT) training, hoping to impact residents' future practice activities. Little is known about postresidency use of these skills. This study assesses postresidency impact of SBIRT training. Over 3 years, physicians who participated in SBIRT training in four residency programs were recruited for follow-up. Participants chose between a paper and online questionnaire 12-24 months after graduation; participants received $20 gift cards. We first analyzed postresidency responses only (n=74), then compared pre- and posttraining results of those completing both surveys (n=50). Of 182 enrolled graduates, 74 (41%) completed questionnaires. In paired comparisons to their pretraining responses, graduates increased endorsement of statements that BIs can reduce risky use and reduced endorsement of statements that they do not have adequate training or time to address patients' alcohol use, or that discussingIRT into clinical practice. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, academic family physicians had to change their clinical, teaching, r