Given the ambiguity, both in conceptual and categorizing terms, with regard to adverse medical events errors, negligence, malpractice and omission, it would be justified to adopt an unambiguous definition and classification. Such an arrangement would expand the possibilities of research in the field of etiology of medical errors, and more importantly, prepare such procedures that would maximally protect the patient, and allow the maximum reduction of the number of medical errors and any other adverse events. In addition, specifying the medical, legal and economic standards in medical units, and determining the scope of personal and institutional responsibility for undesirable medical events, would, in turn, improve the processing of claims made by patients or their families, as well as the activities of medical and legal institutions, including doctors appointed as court experts. Med Pr. 2020;71(5)613-30.Health research activities have advanced considerably in Nepal over the past several years. However, stakeholders' confidence on scientific community is shaken as the latter failed occasionally in adhering to ethical principles. Nepal Health Research Council has exercised regulatory authority to control and support research works. However, much more is needed given the scale at which studies are being carried out. It is high time to conduct an analysis of the current situation followed by the development of an overarching framework to strengthen health research that facilitates a range of actions along the continuum of identifying information needs to translation of knowledge into policies and practices for ultimately improving people's health. Keywords Ethics; health research systems; knowledge management; research regulation.Management of COVID-19 in Nepal will certainly benefit from the experiences of other countries. However, they are less likely to be suitable for Nepal both in terms of context and resource availability. Social contact pattern studies have shown that understanding the nature of human-to-human contacts can help describe the dynamics of infectious disease transmission. The findings of such studies will help the country prepare itself for future outbreaks, inform mathematically modelling and public health interventions that match domestic capabilities. Methods such as self-reported contact diary can be used to conduct such studies following a feasibility study. Keywords Contact diary;COVID-19; disease transmission; social contact pattern.Since the early 1950s, for medication management, the hospital formulary system subsisted as a list of drugs into the supply chain management process in hospitals. With the advent of pharmacy practice services, the system now is more oriented towards the rational use of drugs taking into account the safety of therapy, cost-effectiveness, and uninterrupted availability of drugs to improve and reflect upon the clinical judgment of healthcare professionals. Though very few hospitals in Nepal have adopted hospital formulary system, the perfect practice is still skimpy. The formation of drug and therapeutic committee along with the establishment of hospital pharmacy services is a growing trend with the arrival of hospital pharmacy guidelines 2072, thus, a positive spill-over of the hospital formulary system to each hospital in Nepal would be valuable in promoting rational drug therapy. Keywords Cost-effectiveness; hospital formulary system, rational drug therapy.Globally, the establishment of bio-banks began around 1990s when scientists felt need for collaborative researches in biomedical field. Bio-banks collect and preserve biological specimens which are provided to researchers to investigate about specific disease or treatment. In Nepal, eye bank and skin bank are only two types of bio-banks currently in existence. However, specimens collected in these bio-banks are used only for medical treatment, not for research. With this regard, there is urgent need to establish bio-banks in Nepal. In this article, we aim to provide insights on current status of bio-banking and its benefits for scientific development of Nepal. Keywords Bio-bank; eye bank; Nepal; skin bank.Anaesthetic management of patients with Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) posses multiple challenges. In the low-income nation like Nepal, factors like suboptimal infrastructure and resource limitations may add on to the existing challenges. Proper planning and preparedness can help to overcome the challenges and enhance safety of both the patients undergoing surgery and of the health care workers involved in patient management. Keywords Anaesthetic management; COVID-19; Nepal.Medical induction is an alternative to dilatation and evacuation (D and E) in second trimester abortion, though it has higher risk of minor complications compared to D and E. Combination of mifepristone and misoprostol is commonly used for the medical abortion. A 32 years G3P2L2 with previous two cesarean delivery was referred to our center at sixteen weeks of gestation for termination of her pregnancy. After 63 doses of misoprostol, she had to undergo unintended major intra-abdominal surgery for partial uterine rupture. Keywords Dilatation and evacuation; medical induction; second trimester abortion; uterine rupture.Kirschner wire (K-wire) is commonly used in orthopaedics to treat various fractures. Migration of K-wire from the shoulder to different vital organs have been documented in many case reports. The possible explanations for such migration have been mentioned in the various literatures with the recommendations to prevent such complication. We report a case of migration of a broken K-wire to the cervical spine, which was used for the treatment of displaced lateral end fracture of right clavicle Keywords Cervical spine; kirschner wire; migration.Type-III tracheoesophageal fistula is the commonest type of fistula where upper pouch is blind and distal oesophageal pouch communicates with trachea. In this condition, gastric distension is a common manifestation which can be worsened by positive pressure ventilation. Pulmonary pathology may necessitate ventilation with high peak airway pressures which may rarely lead to gastric perforation with serious consequences. We are reporting such a case of gastric perforation during ventilatory management for fistula repair which needed surgical repair. Keywords Airway management; esophageal atresia; gastric perforation; tracheo-oesophageal fistula.