societal implications in a parallel to the HIV/AIDS era from the perspectives of oral health care providers and their staff. Such implications are changing the way that oral health care is delivered; it may also be leading to social unrest in the form of stigma and discrimination. This study discusses some of these implications from the perspective of oral health care providers and administrators. Observational Study. The primary objective was to determine if there were differences in spine structure measures between experimental postures and standard supine posture MRIs. Thirty-four low back pain patients were included. MRI was taken in 6 experimental postures. The dependent measures includes sagittal view anterior (ADH), middle and posterior disc heights, thecal sac width, left/right foraminal height (FH). In the axial view disc width, left and right foraminal height. Measures were done L3/L4, L4/L5 and L5/S1. Each subject served as their own control. Spine measurements in the experimental posture were compared to the same measures in the standard supine posture. 94% inter-observer reliability was seen. In the sagittal and axial view, 55 of the 108 and 11 of the 18 measures were significantly different. In sagittal view a) ADH was significantly smaller in the sitting flexed posture by 2.50 mm ± 0.63 compared to the supine posture; b) ADH in sitting neutral posture was significantly smaller than the standard posture by 1.97 mm ± 0.86; c) sitting flexed posture showed that bilateral FH measures were significantly different; d) Bilateral FH was larger in the sitting neutral posture compared to the standard supine posture by 0.87 mm ± 0.17. This research quantifies the differences in spine structure measures that occur in various experimental postures. The additional information gathered from an upright MRI may correlate with symptoms leading to an accurate diagnosis and assist in future spine research. This research quantifies the differences in spine structure measures that occur in various experimental postures. The additional information gathered from an upright MRI may correlate with symptoms leading to an accurate diagnosis and assist in future spine research.China's pursuit of economic growth, rapid industrialization, and urbanization over the past few decades has resulted in high energy consumption, which in turn has caused serious environmental pollution problems, such as CO2 and PM2.5 emissions, the long-term exposure to which can seriously affect resident health. To resolve these air pollution problems, the Chinese government has put in place several policies to reduce air and environmental pollution. Past studies on energy and environmental efficiency have been mostly static, have ignored the dynamic changes over time and regional differences, and have rarely considered human health factors. Therefore, this study employed a modified meta 2-stage Epsilon-Based Measure (EBM) Malmquist model to explore the relationships between the economy, energy, the environment, health and media, and the regional differences in 31 Chinese cities from 2014 to 2016. It was found that (1) Haikou and Lhasa's efficiencies were 1 and were the best in all 3 years, and Shijiazhuang, Jinan and Shenyang's were the most improved; (2) there was a gap between the eastern, central and western technological frontiers, with Chengdu, Hohhot, Chongqing, and Nanchang having technological gap ratios below 0.70 in the western and central Chinese regions, and Haikou, Guangzhou, and Shanghai in eastern China having technological gap ratios above 0.90 in all 3 years; and (3) the variations in the health treatment stage were greater than in the production stage, indicating that technological changes and efficiency improvements in the health treatment stages in each city were not stable. The aim of this paper is to understand associations between age and health care provider type in medication continuation among transition-aged youth with ADHD. Using an employer-sponsored insurance claims database, we identified patients with likely ADHD and receipt of ADHD medications. Among patients who had an outpatient physician visit at baseline and maintained enrollment at follow-up 3 years later, we evaluated which ones continued to fill prescriptions for ADHD medications. Patients who were younger at follow-up more frequently continued medication (77% of 11-12 year-olds vs. 52% of 19-20 year-olds). Those who saw a pediatric provider at baseline and follow-up more frequently continued to fill ADHD medication prescriptions than those who saw a pediatric provider at baseline and non-pediatric providers at follow-up (71% vs. 53% among those ages 15-16 years at follow-up). Adolescents and young adults with ADHD who changed from pediatric to exclusively non-pediatric providers less frequently continued to receive ADHD medications. Adolescents and young adults with ADHD who changed from pediatric to exclusively non-pediatric providers less frequently continued to receive ADHD medications.To demonstrate the ultrastructure of osteocytic osteolysis and clarify whether osteocytic osteolysis occurs independently of osteoclastic activities, we examined osteocytes and their lacunae in the femora and tibiae of 11-week-old male wild-type and Rankl-/- mice after injection of human parathyroid hormone (PTH) [1-34] (80 µg/kg/dose). Serum calcium concentration rose temporarily 1 hr after PTH administration in wild-type and Rankl-/- mice, when renal arteries and veins were ligated. After 6 hr, enlargement of osteocytic lacunae was evident in the cortical bones of wild-type and Rankl-/- mice, but not so in their metaphyses. Von Kossa staining and transmission electron microscopy showed broadly demineralized bone matrix peripheral to enlarged osteocytic lacunae, which contained fragmented collagen fibrils and islets of mineralized matrices. Nano-indentation by atomic force microscopy revealed the reduced elastic modulus of the PTH-treated osteocytic perilacunar matrix, despite the microscopic verification of mineralized matrix in that region. In addition, 44Ca deposition was detected by isotope microscopy and calcein labeling in the eroded osteocytic lacunae of wild-type and Rankl-/- mice. Taken together, our findings suggest that osteocytes can erode the bone matrix around them and deposit minerals on their lacunar walls independently of osteoclastic activity, at least in the murine cortical bone. (J Histochem Cytochem 68 -XXX, 2020).