ith the chaperone PpiB to regulate S. aureus virulence processes. These data highlight the first known role for TF in S. aureus and suggest that S. aureus chaperone proteins may be involved in a greater regulatory network in the cell.Mycobacteria have unique cell envelopes, surface properties, and growth dynamics, which all play a part in the ability of these important pathogens to infect, evade host immunity, disseminate, and resist antibiotic challenges. Recent atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies have brought new insights into the nanometer-scale ultrastructural, adhesive, and mechanical properties of mycobacteria. The molecular forces with which mycobacterial adhesins bind to host factors, like heparin and fibronectin, and the hydrophobic properties of the mycomembrane have been unraveled by AFM force spectroscopy studies. Real-time correlative AFM and fluorescence imaging have delineated a complex interplay between surface ultrastructure, tensile stresses within the cell envelope, and cellular processes leading to division. The unique capabilities of AFM, which include subdiffraction-limit topographic imaging and piconewton force sensitivity, have great potential to resolve important questions that remain unanswered on the molecular interactions, surface properties, and growth dynamics of this important class of pathogens.Intestinal mucus is the first line of defense against intestinal pathogens. It acts as a physical barrier between epithelial tissues and the lumen that enteropathogens must overcome to establish a successful infection. We investigated the motile behavior of two Vibrio cholerae strains (El Tor C6706 and Classical O395) in mucus using single-cell tracking in unprocessed porcine intestinal mucus. We determined that V. cholerae can penetrate mucus using flagellar motility and that alkaline pH increases swimming speed and, consequently, improves mucus penetration. Microrheological measurements indicate that changes in pH between 6 and 8 (the physiological range for the human small intestine) had little effect on the viscoelastic properties of mucus. Finally, we determined that acidic pH promotes surface attachment by activating the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (MshA) pilus in V. cholerae El Tor C6706 without a measurable change in the total cellular concentration of the secondary messenger cyclic dimeric GMP (c the ability of V. cholerae to penetrate mucus. This finding has important implications for understanding the dynamics of infection, because pH varies significantly along the small intestine, between individuals, and between species. Blocking mucus penetration by interfering with flagellar motility in V. cholerae, reinforcing the mucosa, controlling intestinal pH, or manipulating the intestinal microbiome will offer new strategies to fight cholera.Cobalamin is an essential cofactor in all domains of life, yet its biosynthesis is restricted to some bacteria and archaea. Mycobacterium smegmatis, an environmental saprophyte frequently used as surrogate for the obligate human pathogen M. tuberculosis, carries approximately 30 genes predicted to be involved in de novo cobalamin biosynthesis. M. smegmatis also encodes multiple cobalamin-dependent enzymes, including MetH, a methionine synthase that catalyzes the final reaction in methionine biosynthesis. In addition to metH, M. smegmatis possesses a cobalamin-independent methionine synthase, metE, suggesting that enzyme use-MetH versus MetE-is regulated by cobalamin availability. Consistent with this notion, we previously described a cobalamin-sensing riboswitch controlling metE expression in M. tuberculosis Here, we apply a targeted mass spectrometry-based approach to confirm de novo cobalamin biosynthesis in M. smegmatis during aerobic growth in vitro We also demonstrate that M. smegmatis can transport and e role(s) of cobalamin in mycobacterial physiology remains poorly understood. Using the nonpathogenic saprophyte M. smegmatis, we investigated the production of cobalamin, transport and assimilation of cobalamin precursors, and the role of cobalamin in regulating methionine biosynthesis. We confirm constitutive de novo cobalamin biosynthesis in M. smegmatis, in contrast with M. tuberculosis, which appears to lack de novo cobalamin biosynthetic capacity. We also show that uptake of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and its precursors is restricted in M. smegmatis, apparently depending on the cofactor requirements of the cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase. These observations establish M. smegmatis as an informative foil to elucidate key metabolic adaptations enabling mycobacterial pathogenicity.The pneumococcal serine-rich repeat protein (PsrP) is a high-molecular-weight, glycosylated adhesin that promotes the attachment of Streptococcus pneumoniae to host cells. PsrP, its associated glycosyltransferases (GTs), and dedicated secretion machinery are encoded in a 37-kb genomic island that is present in many invasive clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae PsrP has been implicated in establishment of lung infection in murine models, although specific roles of the PsrP glycans in disease progression or bacterial physiology have not been elucidated. Moreover, enzymatic specificities of associated glycosyltransferases are yet to be fully characterized. We hypothesized that the glycosyltransferases that modify PsrP are critical for the adhesion properties and infectivity of S. pneumoniae Here, we characterize the putative S. pneumoniaepsrP locus glycosyltransferases responsible for PsrP glycosylation. We also begin to elucidate their roles in S. pneumoniae virulence. We show that four glycosyltransferases within the psrP locus are indispensable for S. pneumoniae biofilm formation, lung epithelial cell adherence, and establishment of lung infection in a mouse model of pneumococcal pneumonia.IMPORTANCE PsrP has previously been identified as a necessary virulence factor for many serotypes of S. pneumoniae and studied as a surface glycoprotein. Thus, studying the effects on virulence of each glycosyltransferase (GT) that builds the PsrP glycan is of high importance. Our work elucidates the influence of GTs in vivo We have identified at least four GTs that are required for lung infection, an indication that it is worthwhile to consider glycosylated PsrP as a candidate for serotype-independent pneumococcal vaccine design.