Pollution levels in short-gated ns/ps/fs-LIBS with regard to fuel-to-air ratio sizes throughout methane-air fire flames. Conclusion The Lys198Asn polymorphism of the EDN1 gene influences some characteristics of ischemic stroke. Conclusion The Lys198Asn polymorphism of the EDN1 gene influences some characteristics of ischemic stroke. Introduction Medical marijuana is used in many diseases. There are not many studies on society's knowledge about use of medical cannabis. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Sunitinib-Malate-(Sutent).html This study aimed to check the level of knowledge about aspects of medical cannabis among students of medical and medical emergency degree courses. Authors emphasize the need of knowledge about law regulations, composition, properties or contraindications of medical cannabis among students of medical universities, as they are fundamental resource of information for patients and any other person who is not included in medical world. Material and methods An original questionnaire containing 29 questions was created. There were 311 randomly selected students from medicine (N=52), nursing (N=117), midwifery (N=66), paramedicine (N=54) and dietetics (N=22). Results of the study were evaluated with help of statistical test ANOVA and student t-test. The Bioethical Committee at the Medical University of Warsaw took note of the information about the study and issued a statement wedge is conditioned by little time at the university devoted to medical marijuana. Education of students about medical marijuana should be increased. Conclusions The level of knowledge of medical students is insufficient to inform patients about possibility of using medical marijuana in their diseases. The low level of knowledge is conditioned by little time at the university devoted to medical marijuana. Education of students about medical marijuana should be increased. The aim is to assess the morphological state of a cold skin wound in an experiment, using an aqueous colloidal solution of C60 fullerenes. Materials and methods An experimental study was conducted in 30 six-month-old male rats divided into three groups, 10 individuals in each group group I included rats that did not undergo any manipulations; group II was represented by rats which underwent a cold wound simulation on the lateral thigh surface; group III was represented by rats who had a simulated cold wound followed by introduction of an aqueous colloidal solution of C60 fullerenes at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg for 5 days into the abdominal cavity, starting from the cryodamage day. Animals of all groups were removed from the experiment on days 7, 14 and 21. The material for the morphological study was skin with underlying soft tissues. The resulting sample was studied, using histological, histochemical, morphometric and statistical research methods. Results C60 fullerenes stimulate proliferative activity in thsolution of C60 fullerenes activates reparative processes in the skin cold wounds, which go through all the classical stages. Conclusions A comprehensive morphological study of the experimental material indicates that the injection into the abdominal cavity of an aqueous colloidal solution of C60 fullerenes activates reparative processes in the skin cold wounds, which go through all the classical stages. The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein using the endovascular high-frequency welding technique and traditional phlebectomy. Materials and methods Two groups were formed in the conducted study. Group I included patients (n=42) with the acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein, in whom their thrombosed great saphenous vein was removed using the endovascular high-frequency welding technique. As a source of current, an EK300M1 Svarmed electric welding machine (Ukraine) was used. Electric welding of a thrombosed vein segment was carried out using the endovenous electric welding catheter. Group II included patients (n=31) with the acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein, who underwent the traditional phlebectomy of the thrombosed great saphenous vein according to Babcock's technique. Results In group I no patient revealed presence of pain synThe technique of endovascular high-frequency welding in treatment of acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein makes it possible to reduce the extent of injury of the surgical operation versus the traditional phlebectomy, results in a significant decrease in the number of side effects and complications and shortens the period of the patient's stay in hospital. Conclusions The technique of endovascular high-frequency welding in treatment of acute ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein makes it possible to reduce the extent of injury of the surgical operation versus the traditional phlebectomy, results in a significant decrease in the number of side effects and complications and shortens the period of the patient's stay in hospital. Introduction Follicular-patterned lesions of the thyroid are common; these include follicular adenoma, follicular cancer and follicular variant of papillary cancer. At present, preoperative discrimination between follicular adenoma and follicular cancer is infeasible and most patients require surgery to confirm diagnosis. The aim To assess the impact of elective central lymph node dissection on postoperative pathological staging and early surgical complication rate in patients operated for suspicion for follicular neoplasm or suspicion for oxyphilic neoplasm of thyroid. Materials and Methods Eighty consecutive patients operated between 2016-2018 in Third Department of General Surgery UJCM because of suspicious for follicular neoplasm of the thyroid were included into the study. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Sunitinib-Malate-(Sutent).html Inclusion criteria were the result of fine needle aspiration biopsy " suspicious for follicular/oxyphilic neoplasm", absence of invasive neoplasm features as follows infiltration of surrounding tissue or lymph nodes/distant metastangeal nerve (RLN) palsy 3.4% vs. 1.49%; p= 0,08), hypocalcemia (5% vs. 5.4%; p=0.86), postoperative hemorrhage (1.25% vs. 0.44; p=0.29). Conclusions Elective central lymph node dissection at experienced surgical hands does not improve postoperative pathological staging and is not associated with higher risk of early postoperative complications. Conclusions Elective central lymph node dissection at experienced surgical hands does not improve postoperative pathological staging and is not associated with higher risk of early postoperative complications.