The aim of the study was to understand the physical therapist's experience and perception of the support they give to their older patients or clients to continue exercising. Using purposive sampling, we recruited fifteen physical therapists with more than 5 years of clinical experience and conducted semi-structured interviews. We analyzed the transcribed data using thematic analysis. Three main themes emerged (1) the expected results as healthcare professionals, (2) clinical experience and continuing professional development, and (3) limited educational opportunities. Physical therapists struggled to achieve a certain level of exercise adherence in their patients, and the low success rate decreased their confidence. We found that physical therapists needed not only to rely on clinical experience but also to integrate scientific evidence to implement better behavioral change techniques; they would also appreciate receiving appropriate educational opportunities. This study revealed a possibility of educational insufficiency for physical therapist to support of behavior change to improve exercise adherence in the older population. This study revealed a possibility of educational insufficiency for physical therapist to support of behavior change to improve exercise adherence in the older population. Pirogoff amputation is a calcaneal amputation invented by Nicolás Pirogoff that involves partial preservation of the calcaneus. A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with left Lisfranc and Chopart joint fracture-dislocation 9 months after a fall. The patient underwent debridement together with Pirogoff amputation and surgery to place an Ilizarov external fixator. Five months later, the patient was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. Because of inadequate bone fusion, for 3 months after the amputation the patient underwent gait training with a patellar tendon weight-bearing orthosis to avoid loading the amputated side. After fusion of the bone, the patient was able to walk using a Syme prosthesis and a cane. Three months after discharge from the rehabilitation hospital, the patient was diagnosed with hallux osteomyelitis of the other foot that was associated with the exacerbation of hallux valgus. The patient underwent hallux correction surgery. Three and a half months after the second hospital admission, the patient was again admitted to the rehabilitation hospital. At the end of the rehabilitation program, the patient was able to walk using a cane and a prosthesis. Appropriate orthotic treatment and care of the non-amputated limb are of great importance in patients who have undergone a partial foot amputation. Appropriate orthotic treatment and care of the non-amputated limb are of great importance in patients who have undergone a partial foot amputation. Carrying out a correct anatomical classification of lung cancer is crucial to take clinical and therapeutic decisions in each patient. TNM staging classification provides an accurate anatomical description about the extension of the disease; however, the anatomical burden of the disease is just one aspect that changes the prognosis. TNM staging classification is a tool that predicts survival, but we must consider that TNM is just one of the factors that concern the prognosis. The impact of a factor over the prognosis is complex due to It depends on the specific environment, the treatment strategy, among others, and our level of certainty makes difficult to include all the factors just in a group of stages. In some groups, there are difficulties to get large series due to the low frequency of cases and the small number of events (metastasis, locoregional recurrence). It does not allow to obtain evidence in a short period of time. On the other hand, in the next years, new markers will be incorporated in tis, locoregional recurrence). It does not allow to obtain evidence in a short period of time. On the other hand, in the next years, new markers will be incorporated in the coming years, which are going to be included in the new TNM classification. It could help to improve the classification giving more information about prognosis and risk of recurrence. All these aspects are being used by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) to develop a new prognosis model. This continues the evolution of TNM system, allows us to overcome the difficulties, and build a flexible framework enough to continue improving the individual prognosis of the patients.The use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) as an approach for early-stage lung cancer treatment has revealed benefits compared to open surgery by minimizing trauma to the patients. This trend has brought the evolution of VATS to less and less invasive methods, eventually leading to the development of Uniportal VATS (UniVATS) technique. This new approach has shown to be resourceful, proving its feasibility even for complex oncological procedures. Furthermore, data is starting to express some benefits over multiport VATS, thus spurring on its development towards newer and more complex procedures. It is also been adopted by the surgical community achieving fast evolution and worldwide diffusion. Here, we review the evolution of UniVATS, its current state of evidence, some basic technical aspects, the present role it has in lung cancer treatment and the ongoing development of the technique. This article could help patients to understand how the UniVATS technique developed as part of the evolution of VATS, sharing its benefits and indications. Furthermore, patients would be able to understand technical aspects and the current applications of UniVATS for lung cancer treatment. This article could help patients to understand how the UniVATS technique developed as part of the evolution of VATS, sharing its benefits and indications. Furthermore, patients would be able to understand technical aspects and the current applications of UniVATS for lung cancer treatment.Radiomics has revolutionized the world of medical imaging. The aim of this review is to guide oncologists in radiomics and its applications in diagnosis, prediction of response and damage, prediction of survival, and prognosis in lung cancer. In this review, we analyzed published literature on PubMed and MEDLINE with papers published in the last 10 years. We included papers in English language with information about radiomics features and diagnostic, predictive, and prognosis of radiomics in lung cancer. All citations were evaluated for relevant content and validation. The evolution of technology allows the development of computer algorithms that facilitate the diagnosis and evaluation of response after different oncological treatments and their non-invasive follow-up. The evolution of technology allows the development of computer algorithms that facilitate the diagnosis and evaluation of response after different oncological treatments and their non-invasive follow-up.