ng Marsh wetland area were ranked as high risk at level-3. These findings suggest that wetland protection and management should be focus on hydrological allocation and the potential ecological risks to national wetland nature reserves. However, a joint risk assessment of climate change and human activity should be conducted to provide a comprehensive reference for the protection and development of natural marsh wetlands.Fireworks events during the annual Indian festival of Diwali has been heavily criticised in recent times. Perchlorate is an essential component of fireworks. The effects of the fireworks on perchlorate (ClO4-) concentrations and quality parameters of the ambient waters of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India were studied. As expected, ClO4- concentrations in the (Kankaria) lake adjoining the fireworks site were below detection prior to the Diwali event and increased to 0.97 and 1.03 μg/L at 48 and 288 h after the event, respectively. However, samples from the Sabarmati River surprisingly contained an extremely high concentration of ClO4- (65 μg/L) one day before the event, which decreased to 1.14 μg/L after 48 h and was below detection limit after 7 days of the event. This finding raises questions such as (a) which has greater impact, fireworks manufacturing or burning; (b) can unregulated release of untreated effluents be a major critical source of pollution needing immediate attention from removal, environmental regulation and policy perspectives; c) is policy pertaining to unskilled labour in the manufacturing of fireworks and other ClO4--containing products needed in developing countries; and d) is ClO4- being a strong oxidiser, detrimental to the soil, groundwater, and aquatic environment?Most previous studies on comprehensive urban carrying capacity (UCC) have estimated UCC levels and comparatively analyzed the heterogeneity of the sample cities. Very few researchers have focused on the interaction effects between different categories of UCC based on synergetic theory. To fill this gap, we constructed a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model to study 11 cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2000 to 2016. The ultimate goal of this study is to improve comprehensive UCC levels by forming a virtuous circle of mutual reinforcement between the four types of carrying capacity. To do so, the interaction mechanisms of the four subsystems are examined. Results show that (a) only transportation and social carrying capacity had causality between them as per the Granger causality test; (b) all four carrying capacities can support themselves (i.e., the development of economic conditions helps to improve social carrying capacity and the improvement of social carrying capacity helps to improve environmental carrying capacity); and (c) both the four carrying capacities are mostly affected by their own fluctuations. Overall transportation carrying capacity is the most important driving force among the four subsystems that interact with each other; followed by economic carrying capacity, which has promotion effect on the social and environmental aspects; social carrying capacity poses impact on the environmental dimension but not vice versa. Policy suggestions and future research directions are highlighted in the final section.Ballast water (BW) mediated bioinvasion is one of the greatest threats to the health of aquatic ecosystems. Bacteria, unlike higher organisms, are transferred in large numbers through BW. Owing to their abundance and potential pathogenicity, they pose a direct threat to the prevailing microbiome in the recipient waters and also to human health. This study investigated the changes in the BW tank bacterial community during a trans-sea voyage from Visakhapatnam port, located along the east coast of India (Bay of Bengal) to Mumbai port, located along the west coast of India (Arabian Sea). Next generation sequencing was used to explore the unculturable segment of bacteria. The BW tank conditions led to a decrease in photoautotrophs and non-spore forming bacteria. On the other hand, biofilm forming and antibiotic producing bacteria, nutrient limiting condition sustaining bacteria, and those capable of synthesizing enzymes prerequisite for active metabolism under stress, increased over time. The shifts in the bacterial community were dependent on mechanisms adopted by the clades to cope with the BW tank conditions. Functional prediction of the bacterial community revealed a significant increase in the core metabolic functions, which enabled the survival of such bacteria. As the voyage progressed, an increase in the total viable bacteria in BW tanks could be attributed to the decrease in the abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton. At the end of the voyage, the bacterial community in the BW tanks was significantly different, and the species diversity and richness were higher than that of the natural seawater (source water). Pathogenic species were more abundant during mid-voyage than at the end of the voyage, suggesting that voyage duration influences the pathogenic bacterial community. Investigating the fate of the discharged bacterial population at the deballasting point is a way forward in the assessment of marine bioinvasion. anxiety and depression are common in women with gestational diabetes but it is not clear whether they are more likely to precede the onset of gestational diabetes or to co-occur with it. Our aims were to compare the strength of association between common mental disorders of anxiety and depression (i) before pregnancy and (ii) during pregnancy in women with and without gestational diabetes. the sample comprised 12,239 women with 13,539 pregnancies from the UK's Born in Bradford cohort. Gestational diabetes was diagnosed by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Indicators of common mental disorders were obtained from linked primary care records. Multivariable robust Poisson and logistic regression were employed. Multiple imputation by chained equations was implemented to handle missing data. Models were adjusted for maternal age, ethnicity, education and obstetric complications. Analyses of common mental disorders during pregnancy were additionally adjusted for maternal smoking, pre-pregnancy BMI, multiple pregnancy and common mental disorders prior to pregnancy.