Previously unknown phenylarsenic chemicals that originated from chemical warfare agents (CWAs) have been detected and identified in sediment samples collected from the vicinity of chemical munition dumpsites. Nontargeted screening by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) was used for detection of 14 unknown CWA-related phenylarsenic chemicals. Methylated forms of Clark I/II, Adamsite, and phenyldichloroarsine were detected in all analyzed sediment samples, and their identification was based on synthesized chemicals. In addition, other previously unknown CWA-related phenylarsenic chemicals were detected, and their structures were elucidated using MS/HRMS technique. On the basis of relative isotope ratios of protonated molecules and measures of exact masses of formed fragment ions, it could be concluded that some of these unknown chemicals contained a sulfur atom attached to an arsenic atom. In addition to that, some of the samples contained chemicals that had formed via addition of an OH group to the aromatic ring. However, it is not possible to say how these chemicals are formed, but the most plausible cause is activities of marine microbes in the sediment. To our knowledge, these chemicals have not been detected from sediment samples previously. Sensitive analytical methods are needed for these novel chemicals to assess the total CWA burden in marine sediments, and this information is essential for the risk assessment.The PPh3 ligands in the heterodinuclear AuPt complex [(Ph3P)AuPt(PPh3)3][BAr4F] (BAr4F = tetrakis[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]borate) exhibit a high fluxionality on the AuPt core. Fast intramolecular and slow intermolecular processes for the reversible exchange of the PPh3 ligands have been identified. When [(Ph3P)AuPt(PPh3)3][BAr4F] is heated in solution, the formation of benzene is observed, and a trinuclear, cationic AuPt2 complex is generated. This process is preceded by reversible phenyl-group exchange between the PPh3 ligands present in the reaction mixture as elucidated by deuterium-labeling studies. Both the elimination of benzene and the preceding reversible phenyl-group exchange have originally been observed in mass-spectrometry-based CID experiments (CID = Collision-Induced Dissociation). While CID of mass-selected [Au,Pt,(PPh3)4]+ results exclusively in the loss of PPh3, the resulting cation [Au,Pt,(PPh3)3]+ selectively eliminates C6H6. Thus, the dissociation of a PPh3 ligand from [Au,Pt,(PPh3)3]+ is energetically not able to compete with processes which result in C-H- and C-P-bond cleavage. In both media, the heterobimetallic nature of the employed complexes is the key for the observed reactivity. Only the intimate interplay of the gas-phase investigations, studies in solution, and thorough DFT computations allowed for the elucidation of the mechanistic details of the reactivity of [(Ph3P)AuPt(PPh3)3][BAr4F].ConspectusIncreasing demand for sustainable energy sources continues to motivate the development of new catalytic processes that store intermittent energy in the form of chemical bonds. In this context, photosynthetic organisms harvest light to drive dark reactions reducing carbon dioxide, an abundant and accessible carbon source, to store solar energy in the form of glucose and other biomass feedstocks. Inspired by this biological process, the field of artificial photosynthesis aims to store renewable energy in chemical bonds spanning fuels, foods, medicines, and materials using light, water, and CO2 as the primary chemical feedstocks, with the added benefit of mitigating the accumulation of CO2 as a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. As such, devising new catalyst platforms for transforming CO2 into value-added chemical products is of importance. Historically, catalyst design for artificial photosynthesis has been approached from the three traditional fields of catalysis molecular, materials, and to advances in artificial photosynthesis.Ammonia adsorbents effective even in trace concentrations are key to the countermeasure for air pollution of particulate matter caused by ammonia emission from agriculture sectors. We revealed that Prussian blue (PB) and its analogues (PBAs), one of the porous coordination polymers, have higher ammonia adsorption capacity in 10 ppmv of ammonia (parts per million in volume, 10 ppmv = 0.0001 volume percent), ≥8 times that of conventional adsorbents. Moreover, these compounds can be recycled only through water flushing. The adsorption capacity of PBA was restricted to 10 cycles of adsorption/desorption, and the air sample for the experiment was collected from the composting equipment present in a swine farm. Despite the presence of saturated water vapor in the exhaust gas, the adsorbents showed excellent selectivity in the removal of ammonia from the sample.When lipid mediators bind to G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the ligand first enters the lipid bilayer, then diffuses laterally in the cell membrane to make hydrophobic contact with the receptor protein, and finally enters the receptor's binding pocket. In this process, the location of the hydrophobic contact point on the surface of the receptor has been little discussed even in cases in which the crystal structure has been determined, because the ligand binding pocket is buried inside the transmembrane (TM) domains. Here, we coupled an activator ligand to a series of membrane phospholipid surrogates, which constrain the depth of entry of the ligand into the lipid bilayer. Consequently, via measurement of the receptor-activating activity as a function of the depth of entry into the membrane, these surrogates can be used as molecular rulers to estimate the location of the hydrophobic contact point on the surface of GPCR. We focused on lysophosphatidylserine (LysoPS) receptor GPR34 and prepared a series of simplified membrane-lipid-surrogate-conjugated lysophospholipid analogues by attaching alkoxy amine chains of varying lengths to the hydrophobic tail of a potent GPR34 agonist. As expected, the activity of these lipid-conjugated LysoPS analogues was dependent on chain length. The predicted contact position matches the position of the terminal benzene ring of a nonlipidic ligand that protrudes between TMs 4 and 5 of the receptor. We further found that the nature of the terminal hydrophilic functional group of the conjugated membrane lipid surrogate strongly influences the activity, suggesting that lateral hydrophilic contact of LysoPS analogues with the receptor's surface is also crucial for ligand-GPCR binding.