here it is clinically useful and relevant. EQ-5D and PROMIS-29 are both concise, generic measures of patient-reported outcomes accompanied by preference weights that allow the estimation of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Both instruments are candidates for use in economic evaluation. However, they have different features in terms of the domains selected to measure respondents' self-perceived health and the characteristics of (and methods used to obtain) the preference weights. It is important to understand the relationship between the instruments and the implications of choosing either for the evidence used in decision-making. This literature review aimed to synthesise existing evidence on the relationship between PROMIS-29 (and measures based on it, such as PROMIS-29+2) and EQ-5D (both EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L). A literature review was conducted in PubMed and Web of Science to identify studies investigating the relationship between PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D-based instruments. The literature search identified 95 unique studies, of which nine studies met the inclusion criteria, i.e. compared both instruments. Six studies examined the relationship between PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D-5L. Three main types of relationship have been examined in the nine studies (a) comparing PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D as descriptive systems; (b) mapping PROMIS-29 domains to EQ-5D utilities; and (c) comparing and transforming PROMIS-29 utilities to EQ-5D utilities. This review has highlighted the lack of evidence regarding the relationship between PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D. The impact of choosing either instrument on the evidence used in cost-effectiveness analysis is currently unclear. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between the two instruments. This review has highlighted the lack of evidence regarding the relationship between PROMIS-29 and EQ-5D. The impact of choosing either instrument on the evidence used in cost-effectiveness analysis is currently unclear. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between the two instruments.Adolescent and young adult health, development, and behavior lay a foundation for future population health. Increasing rates of young adult homelessness mean there is a need for research which generates evidence to support a stronger focus on population-level prevention. Using longitudinal data from a population-based sample of young adults participating in the cross-nationally matched International Youth Development Study, we examined adolescent antecedents of young adult homelessness in Washington State in the USA and in Victoria, Australia. Participants were surveyed using a modified version of the Communities That Care youth survey. Analyses of prospective, longitudinal data from 1945 participants, recruited as state-representative secondary school samples at grade 7 (average age 13, 2002) and longitudinally compared at young adulthood (average age 25, 2014), showed that young adults in Washington State reported higher rates of past year homelessness (5.24%) compared to those in Victoria (3.25%). Path modeling showed less positive family management strategies at age 13 uniquely increased risk for age 25 homelessness. This effect remained after accounting for age 15 antecedents in peer-group, school, and community environments. Friends' drug use, school suspension, academic failure, and low neighborhood attachment at age 15 mediated the association between less positive family management strategies at age 13 and age 25 homelessness. Despite observing some cross-national differences in levels of family, peer-group, school, and community antecedents, we found that these factors equally increased risk for age 25 homelessness in both states, suggesting similar cross-national influences for young adult homelessness. The findings indicate cross-nationally common adolescent antecedents for young adult homelessness that could be targeted by prevention strategies across international settings.Multiple myeloma is characterized by malignant proliferation of clonal plasma cells. Usually, appears as a generalized disease but it can present as solitary bone plasmacytoma or a solitary soft tissue mass or extramedullary plasmacytoma. In the case of extramedullary involvement, it could present as soft tissue plasmacytomas and the prognosis is poor. The 18F-FDG PET/CT could be a valuable tool for characterization of the medullary and extramedullary involvement. We present a case of F18-FDG PET/CT with extramedullary involvement with soft tissue plasmacytomas in the setting of MM.Medicinal cannabis use has increased exponentially with widespread legalization around the world. Cannabis-based products are being used for numerous health conditions, often in conjunction with prescribed medications. The risk of clinically significant drug-drug interactions (DDIs) increases in this setting of polypharmacy, prompting concern among health care providers. Serious adverse events can result from DDIs, specifically those affecting CYP-mediated drug metabolism. Both cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), major constituents of cannabis, potently inhibit CYPs. Cannabis-based products contain an array of cannabinoids, many of which have limited data available regarding potential DDIs. This study assessed the inhibitory potential of 12 cannabinoids against CYP-mediated drug metabolism to predict the likelihood of clinically significant DDIs between cannabis-based therapies and conventional medications. Supersomes™ were used to screen the inhibitory potential of cannabinoids in vitro. Twelve cannabinoids were evaluated at the predominant drug-metabolizing isoforms CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP1A2, CYP2B6, and CYP2C19. The cannabinoids exhibited varied effects and potencies across the CYP isoforms. CYP2C9-mediated metabolism was inhibited by nearly all the cannabinoids with estimated Ki values of 0.2-3.2 μM. Most of the cannabinoids inhibited CYP2C19, whereas CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP2B6 were either not affected or only partially inhibited by the cannabinoids. Effects of the cannabinoids on CYP2D6, CYP1A2, CYP2B6, and CYP3A4 metabolism were limited so in vivo DDIs mediated by these isoforms would not be predicted. CYP2C9-mediated metabolism was inhibited by cannabinoids at clinically relevant concentrations. In vivo DDI studies may be justified for CYP2C9 substrates with a narrow therapeutic index.