s in net income, charges, charge to cost ratios, and case mix index as well as with improvement in some quality measures after acquisition relative to nonacquired controls. Heterogeneity in some findings was observed between HCA and non-HCA hospitals. Hospitals acquired by private equity were associated with larger increases in net income, charges, charge to cost ratios, and case mix index as well as with improvement in some quality measures after acquisition relative to nonacquired controls. Heterogeneity in some findings was observed between HCA and non-HCA hospitals. Irrespective of their genetic makeup, children living in an ideal home environment that supports healthy growth have similar growth potential. However, whether this potential is true for children residing at higher altitudes remains unknown. To investigate whether altitude is associated with increased risk of linear growth faltering and evaluate the implications associated with the use of the 2006 World Health Organization growth standards, which have not been validated for populations residing 1500 m above sea level. Analysis of 133 nationally representative demographic and health cross-sectional surveys administered in 59 low- and middle-income countries using local polynomial and multivariate regression was conducted. A total of 964 299 height records from 96 552 clusters at altitudes ranging from -372 to 5951 m above sea level were included. Demographic and Health Surveys were conducted between 1992 and 2018. Residence at higher altitudes, above and below 1500 m above sea level, and in ideal home ted. Academic achievement (AA) is associated with smoking rates. Can we determine the degree to which this relationship is likely a causal one? We predict smoking in male conscripts (mean age 18.2) assessed from 1984 to 1991 (N = 233 248) and pregnant females (mean age 27.7) receiving prenatal care 1972-1990 (N = 494 995) from AA assessed in all students