Telepsychiatry is an economically viable option. There are many benefits and hurdles in telepsychiatry practice. It is a step towards providing psychiatric services at the doorstep in compliance with the Mental Healthcare Act 2017, upholding the rights of persons with mental illness. It will benefit the practitioner, the patient, and the society.Telepsychiatry provides a platform for mental health care delivery in rural and remote areas. Hybrid Telepsychiatry model combines home-based telepsychiatry with domiciliary visits by community mental health workers. This involves use of different modes of teledevices which ensures safe and secure clinical platform. Research evidence supports that incorporating this model seems to use the specialist time efficiently where the resources are limited and services need to be catered for larger geographical community. The current telepsychiatry practice in the United States, specifically the hybrid model, has indisputably shown significant benefits in caring for psychiatric patients. Such valuable clinical model and its relevance to current mental practice and also its application in the Indian scenario can be helpful in providing comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment. This review evaluates and highlights the potential risks and benefits of adopting the hybrid telepsychiatry model in the Indian mental health system.Access to mental health care has significant disparities due to treatment gap, more so particularly for the remotely residing, physically vulnerable, aging populations. Adoption of technology will enable more people to receive specialty care addressing distance, transportation and cost-related barriers to treatment engagement from the comfort of home. Telemedicine has been regarded as "electronic personal protective equipment" by reducing the number of physical contacts and risk contamination for patients during COVID-19 crisis. This review aimed to give a broad