Statistical significance was set at P  less then  0.05. The overall prevalence of MetS was 20.6%, with men having greater prevalence than women (24.9% vs. 18.3%). Prevalence of MetS increased with age. Factors contributed to MetS in the overall sample were BMI, hypertension, diabetes and physical activity of moderate intensity. Diabetes and hypertension were significantly associated with MetS in men, whereas BMI, diabetes and hyperlipidemia were significantly associated with MetS in women. Lifestyle behaviors and cardio-metabolic risk factors were associated with MetS for the overall sample, and across genders.Due to wide variability of typical language development, it has been historically difficult to distinguish typical and delayed trajectories of early language growth. Improving our understanding of factors that signal language disorder and delay has the potential to improve the lives of the millions with developmental language disorder (DLD). We develop predictive models of low language (LL) outcomes by analyzing parental report measures of early language skill using machine learning and network science approaches. We harmonized two longitudinal datasets including demographic and standardized measures of early language skills (the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Developmental Inventories; MBCDI) as well as a later measure of LL. MBCDI data was used to calculate several graph-theoretic measures of lexico-semantic structure in toddlers' expressive vocabularies. We use machine-learning techniques to construct predictive models with these datasets to identify toddlers who will have later LL outcomes at preschool and school-age. This approach yielded robust and reliable predictions of later LL outcome with classification accuracies in single datasets exceeding 90%. Generalization performance between different datasets was modest due to differences in outcome ages and diagnostic measures. Grammatical and lexico-semantic measures ranked highly in predictive classification, highlighting promising avenues for early screening and delineating the roots of language disorders.The standard treatment for advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) is cytoreduction surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy. Tumor volume after surgery is a major prognostic factor for these patients. The ability to perform complete cytoreduction depends on the extent of disease and the skills of the surgical team. Several predictive models have been proposed to evaluate the possibility of performing complete cytoreductive surgery (CCS). External validation of the prognostic value of three predictive models (Fagotti index and the R3 and R4 models) for predicting suboptimal cytoreductive surgery (SCS) in AOC was performed in this study. The scores of the 3 models were evaluated in one hundred and three consecutive patients diagnosed with AOC treated in a tertiary hospital were evaluated. Clinicopathological features were collected prospectively and analyzed retrospectively. The performance of the three models was evaluated, and calibration and discrimination were analyzed. The calibration of the Fagotti, R3 and R4 models showed odds ratios of obtaining SCSs of 1.5, 2.4 and 2.4, respectively, indicating good calibration. The discrimination of the Fagotti, R3 and R4 models showed an area under the ROC curve of 83%, 70% and 81%, respectively. The negative predictive values of the three models were higher than the positive predictive values for SCS. The three models were able to predict suboptimal cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer, but they were more reliable for predicting CCS. The R4 model discriminated better because it includes the laparotomic evaluation of the peritoneal carcinomatosis index.CGG tandem repeat expansion in the 5'-untranslated region of the fragile X mental retardation-1 (FMR1) gene leads to unusual nucleic acid conformations, hence causing genetic instabilities. We show that the number of G…G (in CGG repeat) or C…C (in CCG repeat) mismatches (other than A…T, T…A, C…G and G…C canonical base pairs) dictates the secondary structural choice of the sense and antisense strands of the FMR1 gene and their corresponding transcripts in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). The circular dichroism (CD) spectra and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) reveal that CGG DNA (sense strand of the FMR1 gene) and its transcript favor a quadruplex structure. CD, EMSA and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations also show that more than four C…C mismatches cannot be accommodated in the RNA duplex consisting of the CCG repeat (antisense transcript); instead, it favors an i-motif conformational intermediate. Such a preference for unusual secondary structures provides a convincing justification for the RNA foci formation due to the sequestration of RNA-binding proteins to the bidirectional transcripts and the repeat-associated non-AUG translation that are observed in FXTAS. The results presented here also suggest that small molecule modulators that can destabilize FMR1 CGG DNA and RNA quadruplex structures could be promising candidates for treating FXTAS.WGS is used to define if isolates are "in" or "out" of an outbreak and/or microbial root cause investigation. No threshold of genetic differences is fixed and the conclusions on similarity between isolates are mainly based on the knowledge generated from previous outbreak investigations and reported mutation rates. Mutation rates in Salmonella when exposed to food processing conditions are lacking. Thus, in this study, the ability of heat and dry stress to cause genetic changes in two Salmonella serotypes frequently isolated from low moisture foods was investigated. S. enterica serovars S. Agona ATCC 51,957 and S. Mbandaka NCTC 7892 (ATCC 51,958) were repeatedly exposed to heat (90 °C for 5 min) in a low water activity and high fat matrix. No increased fitness of the strains was observed after 10 repeated heat treatments. However, genetic changes were introduced and the number of genetic differences increased with every heat treatment cycle. The genetic changes appeared randomly in the genome and were responsible for a population of diverse isolates with 0 to 28 allelic differences (0 to 38 SNPs) between them.