Life is uncertain. It's one of the things that makes living great. On the other hand, it also makes it more than a little terrifying. Tomorrow, you could be lounging poolside or you could find yourself in a sudden car accident. When the unexpected happens, you want to be prepared. Health insurance is a big part of that and this article can help you to make an informed decision, so that you can get the best insurance plan for your money. When considering a health care insurance plan from your employer, be sure to check if your prescriptions are still covered in the coming year. The supported brands and types of medication can vary from year to year. Also, always choose a generic brand if possible. Also be sure to see if there are any discounts such as having your prescriptions sent via mail. If looking into personal health insurance some companies will let you take a "free look" or a "test drive" of the coverage. What this means is that you would have a certain amount of time to actually try out the insurance that way you will fully understand the coverage. Within that certain period of time if you are not satisfied you can get a full refund. When purchasing health insurance make sure that the underwriting terms of the insurance policy meet your requirements. Many health insurance provides now exclude all pre-existing medical conditions. Make sure that you fully understand the financial and health implications of this restriction when considering whether the health insurance policy is suitable for you. Make sure your health insurance is not being "grandfathered" in. Some companies do not have to provide the new changes required by law, because they have been in business for a very long time, or they know someone higher up. If your policy is one of these, start looking for a new company. Consider a low-cost plan if your job is not stable. Government health insurance policies will offer you t