In sum, the state of evidence suggests that beat boxers have lower scores of vocal fatigue than untrained singers. The diffusion characteristics of water molecules were measured in the vocal folds of canines exhibiting unilateral vocal fold paralysis and unilateral cricoarytenoid joint dislocation. These characteristics were used in conjunction with a histological examination of the microstructural changes of vocal fold muscle fibers to explore the feasibility of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in distinguishing unilateral vocal fold paralysis and unilateral cricoarytenoid joint dislocation as well as evaluating microstructural changes. Ten beagles were randomly divided into three groups four in the unilateral vocal fold paralysis group, four in the unilateral cricoarytenoid joint dislocation group, and two in the normal group. Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve resection was performed in the vocal fold paralysis group. Unilateral cricoarytenoid joint dislocation surgery was performed in the dislocation group. No intervention was performed in the normal group. Four months postintervention, the larynges were excised acricoarytenoid joint dislocation, also capable of noninvasively evaluating vocal fold muscle fiber microstructure. To evaluate the correlation between voice disorders and psychological distress, in terms of anxiety, stress, and depression, in a sample of adult Italian patients and to compare our results with those obtained in a group of adult healthy controls matched by age, sex, geographic distribution, and occupation. This prospective-controlled study included 100 adults with Vocal nodules (VN) and Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD1), aged between 18 and 65 years, as Experimental Group (EG) and 100 age-matched subjects without any voice disorders as a Control Group (CG). All patients in the EG underwent a phoniatric evaluation, including the administration of the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and laryngeal exa