Visual perception is not instantaneous. It takes a few milliseconds for light to be transduced in photoreceptors and tens of milliseconds more for neuronal spikes to occur at successive levels of the visual hierarchy. Moreover, the latency of responses varies across the visual field and the cortical hierarchy. In peripheral compared to central vision, the impulse response of primates' ganglion cells has a higher peak occurring at shorter latency [1], and yet humans' primary visual cortex is activated later [2]. The diversity of these physiological results makes it difficult to predict when is the perceived present [3], especially when events are presented across the visual field. This question cannot be directly addressed with paradigms traditionally used to investigate perceptual latencies. In particular, response times are not suitable because they are influenced by decisional mechanisms, motor-related processing or compensatory mechanisms [4,5]. Likewise, temporal order judgements between foveal and peripheral stimuli are not suitable because humans overweigh foveal information when making perceptual decisions [6]. Here we explicitly asked participants to estimate when a stimulus is perceived within a fixed duration temporal interval, rather than relative to another stimulus presented in its near temporal proximity. We show that the perceived time of a visual event depends on its position in the visual field. We find a large bias to report events earlier when they were presented in the periphery.Climate change is regarded as a major threat to global biodiversity [1]. However, another key driver of declines in biodiversity during the last century has been, and still is, the devastating impact of anthropogenic habitat destruction [2]. Human degradation of natural habitats has resulted in large, formerly homogeneous areas becoming exceedingly isolated and fragmented, resulting in reduced genetic diversity and a concom