// ==UserScript== // @name Netflix - subtitle downloader // @description Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix // @license MIT // @version 3.0.9 // @namespace tithen-firion.github.io // @include https://www.netflix.com/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Stuk/jszip@579beb1d45c8d586d8be4411d5b2e48dea018c06/dist/jszip.min.js?version=3.1.5 // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/eligrey/FileSaver.js@283f438c31776b622670be002caf1986c40ce90c/dist/FileSaver.min.js?version=2018-12-29 // ==/UserScript== const MAIN_TITLE = '.player-status-main-title, .ellipsize-text>h4, .video-title>h4'; const TRACK_MENU = '#player-menu-track-settings, .audio-subtitle-controller'; const NEXT_EPISODE = '.player-next-episode:not(.player-hidden), .button-nfplayerNextEpisode'; const WEBVTT = 'webvtt-lssdh-ios8'; const DOWNLOAD_MENU = `Netflix subtitle downloader
  • Netflix subtitle downloader
  • Download subs for this episode
  • Download subs from this ep till last available
  • `; const SCRIPT_CSS = `.player-timed-text-tracks, .track-list-subtitles{ border-right:1px solid #000 } .player-timed-text-tracks+.player-timed-text-tracks, .track-list-subtitles+.track-list-subtitles{ border-right:0 } .subtitle-downloader-menu { list-style:none } #player-menu-track-settings .subtitle-downloader-menu li.list-header, .audio-subtitle-controller .subtitle-downloader-menu lh.list-header{ display:none }`; const SUB_TYPES = { 'subtitles': '', 'closedcaptions': '[cc]' }; let zip; let subCache = {}; let batch = false; const randomProperty = obj => { const keys = Object.keys(obj); return obj[keys[keys.length * Math.random() << 0]]; }; // get show name or full name with episode number const __getTitle = full => { if(typeof full === 'undefined') full = true; const titleElement = document.querySelector(MAIN_TITLE); if(titleElement === null) return null; const title = [titleElement.textContent.replace(/[:*?"<>|\\\/]+/g, '_').replace(/ /g, '.')]; if(full) { const episodeElement = titleElement.nextElementSibling; if(episodeElement) { const m = episodeElement.textContent.match(/^[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]+(\d+)[^\d]*$/); if(m && m.length == 3) { title.push(`S${m[1].padStart(2, '0')}E${m[2].padStart(2, '0')}`); } else { title.push(episodeElement.textContent.trim().replace(/[:*?"<>|\\\/]+/g, '_').replace(/ /g, '.')); } } title.push('WEBRip.Netflix'); } return title.join('.'); }; // helper function, periodically checking for the title and resolving promise if found const _getTitle = (full, resolve) => { const title = __getTitle(full); if(title === null) window.setTimeout(_getTitle, 200, full, resolve); else resolve(title); }; // promise of a title const getTitle = full => new Promise(resolve => { _getTitle(full, resolve); }); const processSubInfo = async result => { const tracks = result.timedtexttracks; const titleP = getTitle(); const subs = {}; for(const track of tracks) { if(track.isNoneTrack) continue; let type = SUB_TYPES[track.rawTrackType]; if(typeof type === 'undefined') type = `[${track.rawTrackType}]`; const lang = track.language + type + (track.isForcedNarrative ? '-forced' : ''); subs[lang] = randomProperty(track.ttDownloadables[WEBVTT].downloadUrls); } subCache[result.movieId] = {titleP, subs}; if(batch) { downloadAll(); } }; const getMovieID = () => window.location.pathname.split('/').pop(); const _save = async (_zip, title) => { const content = await _zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'}); saveAs(content, title + '.zip'); }; const _download = async _zip => { const showTitle = getTitle(false); const {titleP, subs} = subCache[getMovieID()]; const downloaded = []; for(const [lang, url] of Object.entries(subs)) { const result = await fetch(url, {mode: "cors"}); const data = await result.text(); downloaded.push({lang, data}); } const title = await titleP; downloaded.forEach(x => { const {lang, data} = x; _zip.file(`${title}.${lang}.vtt`, data); }); return await showTitle; }; const downloadThis = async () => { const _zip = new JSZip(); const showTitle = await _download(_zip); _save(_zip, showTitle); }; const downloadAll = async () => { zip = zip || new JSZip(); batch = true; const showTitle = await _download(zip); const nextEp = document.querySelector(NEXT_EPISODE); if(nextEp) nextEp.click(); else { await _save(zip, showTitle); zip = undefined; batch = false; } }; const processMessage = e => { processSubInfo(e.detail); } const injection = () => { const WEBVTT = 'webvtt-lssdh-ios8'; // hijack JSON.parse and JSON.stringify functions ((parse, stringify) => { JSON.parse = function (text) { const data = parse(text); if (data && data.result && data.result.timedtexttracks && data.result.movieId) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('netflix_sub_downloader_data', {detail: data.result})); } return data; }; JSON.stringify = function (data) { if (data) { if (data.params && data.params.profiles) { data.params.profiles.unshift(WEBVTT); data.params.showAllSubDubTracks = true; } if (data.ab && data.ab.profiles) { data.ab.profiles.unshift(WEBVTT); data.ab.showAllSubDubTracks = true; } } return stringify(data); }; })(JSON.parse, JSON.stringify); } window.addEventListener('netflix_sub_downloader_data', processMessage, false); // inject script const sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.innerHTML = '(' + injection.toString() + ')()'; document.head.appendChild(sc); document.head.removeChild(sc); // add CSS style const s = document.createElement('style'); s.innerHTML = SCRIPT_CSS; document.head.appendChild(s); // add menu when it's not there const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) { if(node.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'DIV') { let trackMenu = (node.parentNode || node).querySelector(TRACK_MENU); if(trackMenu !== null && trackMenu.querySelector('.subtitle-downloader-menu') === null) { let ol = document.createElement('ol'); ol.setAttribute('class', 'subtitle-downloader-menu player-timed-text-tracks track-list track-list-subtitles'); ol.innerHTML = DOWNLOAD_MENU; trackMenu.appendChild(ol); ol.querySelector('.download').addEventListener('click', downloadThis); ol.querySelector('.download-all').addEventListener('click', downloadAll); } } }); }); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });