Traits of chemically-defended animals can change as an individual grows and matures, and both theoretical and empirical evidence favour a direction of change from crypsis to aposematism. This study examines the suite of traits involved in an unusual opposite shift from aposematism to crypsis in a neotropical toxic-plant-feeding Romaleid grasshopper, Chromacris psittacus (Gerstaecker, 1873). Field surveys, behavioural observations and a rearing experiment compare host plant choice, aggregation, locomotion and thermoregulation between life history stages. Results showed that both nymphs and adults fed exclusively on a narrow range of Solanaceae plants, suggesting that the shift in defensive syndrome is not due to a change in chemical defense. Instead, nymphal aposematism appears linked to aggregation in response to plant-based selection pressures. Slow nymphal development suggests a cost to feeding on toxic plant compounds, and grouping could mitigate this cost. Grouping also increases conspicuousness, and hence can favour warning colourating in chemically-defended insects. The role of diet breadth in aposematism is poorly understood, and these results suggest how constraints imposed by feeding on toxic plants can generate bottom-up selection pressures shaping the adaptive suites of traits of chemically-defended animals. In November 2016, the Kenya National Vaccines and Immunization Programme conducted an assessment of missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) using the World Health Organization (WHO) MOV methodology. A MOV includes any contact with health services during which an eligible individual does not receive all the vaccine doses for which he or she is eligible. The MOV assessment in Kenya was conducted in 10 geographically diverse counties, comprising exit interviews with caregivers and knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) surveys with health workers. On the survey dates, which covered a 4-day period in November 2016, all health workers and caregivers visiting the selected health facilities with children <24 months of age were eligible to participate. Health facilities (n = 4 per county) were purposively selected by size, location, ownership, and performance. We calculated the proportion of MOV among children eligible for vaccination and with documented vaccination histories (i.e., from a home-based rece and equity in all counties in Kenya, interventions to reduce MOV should be considered as part of an overall immunization service improvement plan. To assess the effect of HIV infection and combined antiretroviral therapy (c-ART) on various proatherogenic biomarkers and lipids and to investigate their relationship with subclinical atherosclerosis in a cohort of treatment-naive HIV-infected patients. We performed a prospective, comparative, multicenter study of 2 groups of treatment-naive HIV-infected patients (group A, CD4>500 cells/μL, not starting c-ART; and group B, CD4<500 cells/μL, starting c-ART at baseline) and a healthy control group. Laboratory analyses and carotid ultrasound were performed at baseline and at months 12 and 24. The parameters measured were low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle phenotype, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), interleukin-6 (IL-6), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), sCD14, sCD163, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1), and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). A linear mixed model based on patient clusters was used to assess differences in biomarkers between the study groups andeaching values similar to those of the controls. HIV infection was associated with progression of carotid intima-media thickness. In treatment-naive HIV-infected patients, initiation of c-ART was associated with an improvement in LDL particle phenotype and inflammatory/immune biomarkers, reaching values similar to those of the controls. HIV infection was associated with progression of carotid intima-media thickness.Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems that provide important environmental services, but have been impacted massively in recent years by human activities. Studies of mangroves have focused on their ecology and function at local or landscape scales, but little has been done to understand their broader distributional patterns or the environmental factors that determine those distributions. Species distribution models (SDMs), have been used to estimate potential distributions of hundreds of species, yet no SDM studies to date have assessed mangrove community distributions in Mexico (the country with the fourth largest extent of this ecosystem). We used maximum entropy approaches to model environmental suitability for mangrove species distributions in the country, and to identify the environmental factors most important in determining those distributions. We also evaluated whether this modeling approach is adequate to estimate mangrove distribution as a community across Mexico. Best models were selected based on statistical significance (AUC ratio), predictive performance (omission error of 5%), and model complexity (Akaike criterion); after this evaluation, only one model per species met the three evaluation criteria. Environmental variable sets that included distance to coast yielded significantly better models; variables with strongest contributions included elevation, temperature of the coldest month, and organic carbon content of soil. Based on our results, we conclude that SDMs can be used to map mangrove communities in Mexico, but that results can be improved at local scales with inclusion of local variables (salinity, hydroperiod and microtopography), field validations, and remote sensing data. Cervical cancer is the second most common female reproductive cancer after breast cancer with 84% of the cases in developing countries. A high uptake of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination and screening, and early diagnosis leads to a reduction of incidence and mortality rates. Yet uptake of screening is low in Sub-Saharan Africa and there is an increasing number of women presenting for treatment with advanced disease. Nine women in their twenties die from cervical cancer in Kenya every day. This paper presents the biopsychosocial risk factors that impact on cervical cancer knowledge among Kenyan women aged 15 to 24 years. The findings will highlight opportunities for early interventions to prevent the worrying prediction of an exponential increase by 50% of cervical cancer incidences in the younger age group by 2034. Data from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) was analysed using complex sample logistic regression to assess biopsychosocial risk factors of knowledge of cervical cancer among young women aged 15 to 24 years (n = 5398).