These results confirmed the diagnosis of renal T-cell lymphoma. This is the first known report of canine lymphoma diagnosed using either urine flow cytometry or clonality testing. Therefore, in select cases, urine flow cytometry and/or PARR are feasible to perform on urine-derived cells as a quick and cost-effective means to aid in the diagnosis of urinary tract lymphoma. © 2020 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.Chemical pesticides or insecticides with complex structures are highly abundant in the biosphere and have inevitable side effects on farmland, natural resources, and human health. Deltamethrin is the most popular and widely used pesticide that disrupts the cellular calcium channels. In the present study, isolated strains of bacteria were examined to determine the ones that were capable of degrading deltamethrin. Different species of bacteria were evaluated in terms of the capability to degrade deltamethrin. It is important to note that Streptomyces rimosus was able to degrade up to 200 mg/L deltamethrin concentration and could be grown in mineral salt medium agar containing deltamethrin to be used as a source of carbon and energy. The results demonstrated that there is a diversity of deltamethrin-degrading bacteria in agricultural soil ecosystems. The application of these bacteria, especially S. rimosus, might be used as a bioremediation technique to decrease pesticide contamination of the ecosystem. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Sociologists have debated whether and how medical trainees are socialised to deal with uncertainty for decades. Recent changes in the structure of medical education, however, have likely affected the ways that resident physicians learn to manage uncertainty. Through ethnographic case studies of academic medical centres in Switzerland and the United States, this article provides new insights into the processes through which residents learnt to manage uncertainty. These processes included working under supervision, developing relationships of trust with supervisors and gaining autonomy to practise independently. As a result, residents developed different attitudes towards uncertainty. Residents at the Swiss medical centre tended to develop a more pragmatic attitude and viewed uncertainty as something to be addressed and controlled. On the other hand, residents at the American medical centre tended to develop an acceptive attitude towards uncertainty. More broadly, residents learnt to reproduce their supervisors' attitudes towards uncertainty. This article therefore provides new perspectives on continuity and the reproduction of social phenomena in medical education. © 2020 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness.This study evaluated the effect of age and renal impairment on pharmacokinetics of trimetazidine (TMZ) in healthy elderly and renally impaired subjects and assess safety and tolerability. In this open-label, multi-dose study, 73 subjects were divided into six treatment groups (1) 55-65 years; (2) 66-75 years; (3) >75 years (dosing for groups 1-3 [healthy] B.D. for 4 days), (4) mild renally impaired (dosed B.D. for 8 days); (5) moderate renally impaired (dosed O.D. for 8 days); and (6) severe renally impaired-no dialysis (dosed once every 48 h for 8 days). Blood and urine samples were collected and analyzed. The geometric least squares mean ratios for; Group 2 and 1 of AUC(0-τ)ss was 112.2 (90% CI; 92.0-136.8) and Cmax,ss was 109.9 (89.6-134.8), Group 3 and 1 of AUC(0-τ),ss was 140.5 (115.9-170.3) and Cmax,ss was 137.8 (112.9-168.2), Group 4 and 1 of AUC(0-τ),ss was 114.2 (90.3-144.4) and Cmax,ss was 120.8 (92.5-157.8), Group 5 and 1 of; AUC(0-τ),ss was 213.0 (153.1-296.3) and Cmax,ss was 123.3 (92.2-164.7) and Group 6 and 1 of AUC(0-τ),ss was 247.4 (197.8-309.6) and Cmax,ss was 95.6 (73.0-125.1). Significant increase in systemic exposure of TMZ was observed in subjects; over 75 year's age and renally impaired compared to healthy subjects. TMZ was safe and well-tolerated. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Thousands of candidate cancer biomarkers have been proposed, but so far, few are used in cancer screening. Failure to implement these biomarkers is attributed to technical and design flaws in the discovery and validation phases, but a major obstacle stems from cancer biology itself. Oncogenomics has revealed broad genetic heterogeneity among tumors of the same histology and same tissue (or organ) from different patients, while tumors of different tissue origins also share common genetic mutations. Moreover, there is wide intratumor genetic heterogeneity among cells within any single neoplasm. These findings seriously limit the prospects of finding a single biomarker with high specificity for early cancer detection. Current research focuses on developing biomarker panels, with data assessment by machine-learning algorithms. Whether such approaches will overcome the inherent limitations posed by tumor biology and lead to tests with true clinical value remains to be seen. © 2020 WILEY Periodicals, Inc.BACKGROUND AND AIMS In cholestatic liver diseases, ductular reactive (DR) cells extend into the hepatic parenchyma promoting inflammation and fibrosis. We have previously observed that Mdr2-/- mice lacking TRAIL receptor (Mdr2-/- Tr-/- double knockout, DKO) display a more extensive ductular reaction and hepatic fibrosis compared to Mdr2-/- mice. This observation suggests that the magnitude of the DR cell population may be regulated by apoptosis. APPROACH To examine this concept, we cultured EpCAM-positive reactive cholangioids (ERC) obtained from wild-type (WT), Tr-/- , Mdr2-/- and DKO mice. RESULTS Single-cell transcriptomics and immunostaining of both WT and DKO ERC confirmed their DR cell phenotype. Moreover, DKO ERC displayed a unique translational cluster with expression of chemokines indicating a reactive state. Incubation with the MCL1 inhibitor S63845, a pro-apoptotic BH3-mimetic therapy significantly decreased DKO and Mdr2-/- ERC viability compared to WT. Intravenous administration of S63845 significantly reduced the DR cell population, markers of inflammation and liver fibrosis in Mdr2-/- and DKO mice. Furthermore, DKO mice treated with S63845 displayed a significant decrease in hepatic B lymphocytes compared to untreated mice as assessed by high definition mass cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF). Co-culture of bone-marrow derived macrophages with ERC from DKO mouse livers upregulated expression of the B-cell directed chemokine CCL5/RANTES. Finally, DR cells were noted to be primed for apoptosis with BAK activation in vitro and in vivo in PSC liver specimens. CONCLUSION DR cells appear to play a key role in recruiting immune cells to the liver to actively create an inflammatory and pro-fibrogenic microenvironment. Pharmacologic targeting of MCL1 in a mouse model of chronic cholestasis reduces DR and B cell populations and hepatic fibrosis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.