7 ± 0.1 for both types of triads. This number is far too low for optical data storage using single triads and implications concerning the miniaturization of optical memories based on such systems will be discussed. Yet, together with the high fatigue resistance, this number is encouraging for applications in super-resolution optical microscopy on frozen biological samples.Block-localized wave function is a useful method for optimizing constrained determinants. In this article, we extend the generalized block-localized wave function technique to a relativistic two-component framework. Optimization of excited state determinants for two-component wave functions presents a unique challenge because the excited state manifold is often quite dense with degenerate states. Furthermore, we test the degree to which certain symmetries result naturally from the ΔSCF optimization such as time-reversal symmetry and symmetry with respect to the total angular momentum operator on a series of atomic systems. Variational optimizations may often break the symmetry in order to lower the overall energy, just as unrestricted Hartree-Fock breaks spin symmetry. Overall, we demonstrate that time-reversal symmetry is roughly maintained when using Hartree-Fock, but less so when using Kohn-Sham density functional theory. Additionally, maintaining total angular momentum symmetry appears to be system dependent and not guaranteed. Finally, we were able to trace the breaking of total angular momentum symmetry to the relaxation of core electrons.The cavitation flow of linear-polymer solutions around a cylinder is studied by performing a large-scale molecular dynamics simulation. The addition of polymer chains remarkably suppresses cavitation. The polymers are stretched into a linear shape near the cylinder and entrained in the vortex behind the cylinder. As the polymers stretch, the elongational viscosity increases, which suppresses the vortex format