The subfamily of sarcosine oxidase is a set of enzymes within the larger family of amine oxidases. It is ubiquitously distributed among different kingdoms of life. The member enzymes catalyze the oxidization of an N-methyl amine bond of amino acids to yield unstable imine species that undergo subsequent spontaneous non-enzymatic reactions, forming an array of different products. These products range from demethylated simple species to complex alkaloids. The enzymes belonging to the sarcosine oxidase family, namely, monomeric and heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase, l-pipecolate oxidase, N-methyltryptophan oxidase, NikD, l-proline dehydrogenase, FsqB, fructosamine oxidase and saccharopine oxidase have unique features differentiating them from other amine oxidases. This review highlights the key attributes of the sarcosine oxidase family enzymes, in terms of their substrate binding motif, type of oxidation reaction mediated and FAD regeneration, to define the boundaries of this group and demarcate these enzymes from other amine oxidase families. 4D and midposition MRI could inform plan adaptation in lung and abdominal MR-guided radiotherapy. We present deep learning-based solutions to overcome long 4D-MRI reconstruction times while maintaining high image quality and short scan times. Two 3D U-net deep convolutional neural networks were trained to accelerate the 4D joint MoCo-HDTV reconstruction. For the first network, gridded and joint MoCo-HDTV-reconstructed 4D-MRI were used as input and target data, respectively, whereas the second network was trained to directly calculate the midposition image. For both networks, input and target data had dimensions of 256×256 voxels (2D) and 16 respiratory phases. Deep learning-based MRI were verified against joint MoCo-HDTV-reconstructed MRI using the structural similarity index (SSIM) and the naturalness image quality evaluator (NIQE). Moreover, two experienced observers contoured the gross tumour volume and scored the images in a blinded study. For 12 subjects, previously unseen by the networks, high-quality 4D and midposition MRI (1.25×1.25×3.3mm ) were each reconstructed from gridded images in only 28 seconds per subject. Excellent agreement was found between deep-learning-based and joint MoCo-HDTV-reconstructed MRI (average SSIM≥0.96, NIQE scores 7.94 and 5.66). Deep-learning-based 4D-MRI were clinically acceptable for target and organ-at-risk delineation. Tumour positions agreed within 0.7mm on midposition images. Our results suggest that the joint MoCo-HDTV and midposition algorithms can each be approximated by a deep convolutional neural network. This rapid reconstruction of 4D and midposition MRI facilitates online treatment adaptation in thoracic or abdominal MR-guided radiotherapy. Our results suggest that the joint MoCo-HDTV and midposition algorithms can each be approximated by a deep convolutional neural network. This rapid reconstruction of 4D and midposition MRI facilitates online treatment adaptation in thoracic or abdominal MR-guided radiotherapy. To observe the long-term survival and late adverse events in a phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ trial (NCT01843049) of dose escalation for thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique. Patients with ESCC were treated with escalating radiation dose of four predefined levels. Dose of 62.5-64Gy/25-32 fractions was delivered to the gross tumor volume (GTV), with (Level 3&4) or without (Level 1&2) a SIB up to 70Gy for pre-treatment 50% SUVmax area of GTV. Patients also received 2 cycles of chemotherapy of cisplatin and fluorouracil concurrently and 2 more cycles after radiotherapy. Median follow-up duration was 17.2 (2.5-83.4) months for all 44 patients and 47.2 (3.9-83.4) months for 25 survivors. The 3-year overall survival and progression-free survival rates were 57.6% and 41.0%, respectively. One, one, four and twelve severe (grade≥3) esophageal late adverse events (SEAE) occurred in patients of Level 1/2/3/4 (n=5/10/16/13), with median occurrence time of 6.5month findings of dose-volume predictors need larger-sample investigation. Currently clinical radiotherapy (RT) planning consists of a multi-step routine procedure requiring human interaction which often results in a time-consuming and fragmented process with limited robustness. Here we present an autonomous un-supervised treatment planning approach, integrated as basis for online adaptive magnetic resonance guided RT (MRgRT), which was delivered to a prostate cancer patient as a first-in-human experience. For an intermediate risk prostate cancer patient OARs and targets were automatically segmented using a deep learning-based software and logical volume operators. A baseline plan for the 1.5T MR-Linac (20x3 Gy) was automatically generated using particle swarm optimization (PSO) without any human interaction. Plan quality was evaluated by predefined dosimetric criteria including appropriate tolerances. Online plan adaptation during clinical MRgRT was defined as first checkpoint for human interaction. OARs and targets were successfully segmented (3min) and used for automatic plme delay between simulation and start of RT and may thus allow for real-time MRgRT applications in the future. Pancreatic fibrosis increases pancreatic cancer risk in chronic pancreatitis (CP). Pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) play a critical role in pancreatic fibrosis by transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) has been shown to inhibit transforming growth factor-β receptor (TGFβR)-mediated Smad and no-Smad signaling pathways. Thus, the effects of Hsp90 inhibitor on pancreatic fibrosis are evaluated in CP mice, and the association between Hsp90 and biological functions of PSCs is further investigated in vitro. The effects of Hsp90 inhibitor 17AAG on pancreatic fibrosis were assessed in caerulein-induced CP mice, and primary PSCs were used to determine the role of Hsp90 inhibitor 17AAG in vitro. We observed increased expression of Hsp90 in pancreatic tissues of caerulein-induced CP mice. Hsp90 inhibitor 17AAG ameliorated pancreatic inflammation and fibrosis in caerulein-induced CP mice. In vitro, Hsp90 inhibitor 17AAG inhibited TGFβ1-induced activation and extracellular matrix accumulation of PSCs by blocking TGFβR-mediated Smad2/3 and PI3K /Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathways.