In this study, the profile of etoxazole in whole citrus, peel and pulp samples collected from Chongqing, Guangdong and Anhui provinces was monitored and their dietary risk to human had also been assessed. The final residual levels and distributions of etoxazole in citrus samples were detected by using an ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The results showed that final concentrations of etoxazole in whole citrus, peel, and pulp were ranged at 0.012-0.174, 0.010-0.637, and 0.010-0.011 mg kg-1, respectively. The assessment of dietary risk suggested that chronic dietary risk of etoxazole in whole fruit and peel were 0.010-0.197% and 0.035-0.951%, respectively. Our findings indicated that the chronic risk of daily consumption of citrus fruit is acceptable at recommended dosage.An effective electrocoagulation pre-treatment (ECP) method was proposed to simultaneously solve the problems of the micro stickies deposition and high Ca2+ content in old corrugated container (OCC) papermaking wastewater during the recycling process. The optimal ECP condition was investigated. The results indicated that the effect of an Al electrode on wastewater treatment was superior to that of a Fe or Mg electrode. The optimal treatment conditions of the current density, electrode distance and reaction time were 115 A m-2, 5 cm and 60 min, respectively. After the ECP, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and Ca2+ removal rates were 75.33% and 64.53%, respectively, and the turbidity and dissolved and colloidal substance (DCS) content decreased by 97.1% and 43.68%, respectively. The particle size of flocs in the liquid increased from 1.675 μm to 31.97 μm, and the floc content was 0.78 g L-1 after ECP. The anode material and energy consumption were 0.1846 kg m-3 and 4.56 kWh m-3, respectively, and the cost of treatment was estimated to be 1.11 $ m-3. The results demonstrate that ECP can effectively remove the micro stickies, COD, and Ca2+ in the OCC wastewater, which is conducive to reducing the cost of wastewater treatment and conform to the requirements of sustainable development. Distal scaphoid and triquetrum excisions can improve the range of wrist motion after radioscapholunate (RSL) fusion, but little is known about the kinematics of dart-throwing and global circumduction motions. We hypothesized that these excisions could increase the range of motion without causing midcarpal instability. Seven fresh-frozen cadaver upper extremities were mounted on a testing apparatus after isolation and preloading of the tendons of the flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis, and extensor carpi ulnaris. Sequential loadings of the flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis simulated active dart-throwing motion. Passive circumferential loading produced the wrist circumduction motion. We measured the range of wrist motions with an electromagnetic tracking system in 4 experiments intact, simulated RSL fusion, RSL fusion with distal scaphoid excision, and RSL fusion with distal scaphoid and total triquetrum excisions. To evaluate midcarpal stability, we conducteby increasing motions in a RSL-fused wrist; however, a potential risk of midcarpal instability should be considered. Subsequent carpal excisions may improve short-term outcome by increasing motions in a RSL-fused wrist; however, a potential risk of midcarpal instability should be considered.In this study, the utility of point-of-care lung ultrasound for clinical classification of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was prospectively assessed. Twenty-seven adult patients with COVID-19 underwent bedside lung ultrasonography (LUS) examinations three times each within the first 2 wk of admission to the isolation ward. We divided the 81 exams into three groups (moderate, severe and critically ill). Lung scores were calculated as the sum of points. A rank sum test and bivariate correlation analysis were carried out to determine the correlation between LUS on admission and clinical classification of COVID-19. There were dramatic differences in LUS (p less then 0.001) among the three groups, and LUS scores (r = 0.754) correlated positively with clinical severity (p less then 0.01). In addition, moderate, severe and critically ill patients were more likely to have low (≤9), medium (9-15) and high scores (≥15), respectively. This study provides stratification criteria of LUS scores to assist in quantitatively evaluating COVID-19 patients.In a radiation therapy workflow based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), dosimetric errors may arise due to geometric distortions introduced by MRI. The aim of this study was to quantify the dosimetric effect of system-dependent geometric distortions in an MRI-only workflow for proton therapy applied at extra-cranial sites. An approach was developed, in which computed tomography (CT) images were distorted using an MRI displacement map, which represented the MR distortions in a spoiled gradient-echo sequence due to gradient nonlinearities and static magnetic field inhomogeneities. A retrospective study was conducted on 4DCT/MRI digital phantoms and 18 4DCT clinical datasets of the thoraco-abdominal site. The treatment plans were designed and separately optimized for each beam in a beam specific Planning Target Volume on the distorted CT, and the final dose distribution was obtained as the average. The dose was then recalculated in undistorted CT using the same beam geometry and beam weights. The analysis was performed in terms of Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) parameters. No clinically relevant dosimetric impact was observed on organs at risk, whereas in the target structure, geometric distortions caused statistically significant variations in the planned dose DVH parameters and dose homogeneity index (DHI). The dosimetric variations in the target structure were smaller in abdominal cases (ΔD2%, ΔD98%, and ΔDmean all below 0.1% and ΔDHI below 0.003) compared to the lung cases. Indeed, lung patients with tumors isolated inside lung parenchyma exhibited higher dosimetric variations (ΔD2%≥0.3%, ΔD98%≥15.9%, ΔDmean≥3.3% and ΔDHI≥0.102) than lung patients with tumor close to soft tissue (ΔD2%≤0.4%, ΔD98%≤5.6%, ΔDmean≤0.9% and ΔDHI≤0.027) potentially due to higher density variations along the beam path. Results suggest the potential applicability of MRI-only proton therapy, provided that specific analysis is applied for isolated lung tumors.