This study aimed to provide population-level data regarding trends in multimorbidity over 13years. We linked provincial health administrative data in Ontario, Canada, to create 3 cross-sectional panels of residents of any age in 2003, 2009, and 2016 to describe (i) 13-year trends in multimorbidity prevalence and constellations among residents and across age, sex, and income; and (ii) chronic condition clusters. Multimorbidity was defined as having at least any 2 of 18 selected conditions, and further grouped into levels of 2, 3, 4, or 5 or more conditions. Age-sex standardized multimorbidity prevalence was estimated using the 2009 population as the standard. Clustering was defined using the observed combinations of conditions within levels of multimorbidity. Standardized prevalence of multimorbidity increased over time (26.5%, 28.8%, and 30.0% across sequential panels), across sex, age, and area-based income. Females, older adults and those living in lower income areas exhibited higher rates in all years. However, multimorbidity increased relatively more among males, younger adults, and those with 4 or 5 or more conditions. We observed numerous and increasing diversity in disease clusters, namely at higher levels of multimorbidity. Our study provides relevant and needed population-based information on the growing burden of multimorbidity, and related socio-demographic risk factors. Multimorbidity is markedly increasing among younger age cohorts. Also, there is an increasing complexity and lack of common clustering patterns at higher multimorbidity levels. Our study provides relevant and needed population-based information on the growing burden of multimorbidity, and related socio-demographic risk factors. Multimorbidity is markedly increasing among younger age cohorts. Also, there is an increasing complexity and lack of common clustering patterns at higher multimorbidity levels.With the discovery of Western blotting as first described by Towbin et al. in 1979, the transfer and visualization of electrophoretically separated proteins on membranes has become the de facto method for the qualitative and quantitative detection of proteins of interest. In this method, proteins are resolved by electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel, followed by a transfer of the separated proteins onto a nitrocellulose or polyvinyl difluoride (PVDF) membrane. Once immobilized on these membranes, the protein of interest can be detected and visualized by exploiting antigen-antibody interactions. However, not all proteins are amenable to easy detection by Western blotting. Integral membrane proteins are a class of proteins that are attached to a biological membrane through a series of transmembrane segments that span the width of the membrane. Due to the inherent hydrophobicity of these proteins and their tendency to aggregate, the characterization and detection of these proteins can be challenging. In this methods chapter, we present a protocol for the easy detection and quantification of these proteins in the industrially important oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. The first protocol describes a Western blotting procedure to quantify soluble cytosolic proteins of interest in Yarrowia lipolytica from its total cell lysate. The second protocol describes modifications to the first that are done to enhance detection and quantification of membrane-bound proteins in Yarrowia lipolytica from its total cell lysate, without the need for isolating the membrane-bound proteins, for use in Western blotting. The immunoblotting strategies described here should serve as an efficient and simple guide to quantify both cytosolic and the intractable membrane-bound proteins in Yarrowia lipolytica.Yarrowia lipolytica produces a range of valuable biotechnological products from natural metabolites and enzymes to heterologous proteins. The production of these products is affected by medium composition and various environmental factors. Here we describe bioprocess development for a recombinant laccase production by Y. lipolytica. At first, response surface methodology (RSM), as a statistical technique for design of experiment (DOE), is used for the optimization of medium composition in flask level. Then, results of RSM are applied to increase laccase production in controlled conditions of the bioreactor.Yarrowia lipolytica has emerged as an attractive solution for screening enzyme activities thanks to the numerous tools available for heterologous protein production and its strong secretory ability. Nowadays, activity screening for improved enzymes mostly relies on the evaluation of independent clones in microtiter plates. However, even with highly robotized screening facilities, the relatively low throughput and high cost of the technology do not enable the screening of large diversities, which significantly reduce the probability of isolating improved variants. Droplet-based microfluidics is an emerging technology that allows the high-throughput and individual picoliter droplets manipulation and sorting based on enzymatic substrate fluorescence. This technology is an attractive alternative to microtiter plate screenings with higher throughputs and drastic reduction of working volume and cost.Here, we present a droplet-based microfluidic platform for the screening of libraries expressed in the yeast Y. lipolytica, from the generation of a random mutagenesis library of a heterologous enzyme and its expression in Y. lipolytica to the droplet-based microfluidic procedures composed of cell encapsulation and growth and activity screening or sorting of improved clones.β-carotene is an increasingly sought-after organic pigment with antioxidant properties and a vitamin precursor. Yarrowia lipolytica, though unable to naturally synthesize carotenoids, can produce high amounts of the precursor acetyl-CoA making it a promising host for metabolic engineering towards novel biotechnological production of carotenoids. Here, we describe a synthetic biology methodology for Y. Lipolytica metabolic engineering based on Golden Gate DNA assembly for the generation of a multigene cassette, subsequent transformation enabling β-carotene biosynthesis, and quantification of the compound.