n this work do not require further purification and thanks to their tunable narrow size distribution have potential to be a powerful tool for biomedical applications.MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been found to be involved in lipid deposition and metabolism. However, there have been no reports on the roles of miR-148a in the proliferation and adipogenesis of preadipocytes in sheep. In this study, the expression of miR-148a was profiled in the eight tissues of Tibetan ewes and differentiated preadipocytes, and the role of miR-148a in differentiation and proliferation of ovine preadipocytes was investigated using Oil Red O staining, CCK-8, EdU staining, cell cycle detection, and RT-qPCR. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/GDC-0449.html The effect of PTEN on the differentiation of ovine preadipocytes was also investigated. The miR-148a was widely expressed in the eight tissues investigated and had significantly increased expression in liver, spleen and subcutaneous adipose tissues, and the heart. The expression of miR-148a continued to increase with the differentiation of ovine preadipocytes. The over-expression of miR-148a significantly promoted differentiation but inhibited the proliferation of ovine preadipocytes. The inhibition of miR-148a had the opposite effect on the differentiation and proliferation of ovine preadipocytes with over-expressed miR-148a. The results from the dual luciferase reporter assays showed that miR-148a mimic significantly decreased the luciferase activity of PTEN-3'UTR dual luciferase reporter vector, suggesting that PTEN is a target gene of miR-148a. In over-expressed-PTEN preadipocytes, the number of lipid droplets remarkably decreased, and the expression levels of adipogenesis marker genes PPARγ, FASN, FATP4, GLUT4, C/EBPβ and LPL were also significantly down-regulated. These results suggest that miR-148a accelerated the adipogenic differentiation of ovine preadipocytes by inhibiting PTEN expression, and also inhibited the proliferation of ovine preadipocytes.It is broadly acknowledged that contact center employees are subject to high levels of stress. In this profession, there is a distinction between back-office and front-office employees. In addition, employees may perform duties in various companies with different characteristics (i.e., human resources practices, job characteristics, social support, work-personal life relationship, among others). Thus, this study focuses on the analysis of the contact centers' (CC) psychosocial work environment and employees' levels of stress and well-being, seeking to understand whether they change due to the specific nature of the duties they perform and the characteristics of the company. This study involved 1440 participants from 15 companies. The results indicate that front-office and back-office duties influence the perception of some job characteristics and their environment and, consequently, the stress and well-being of these employees. Furthermore, the exhaustion and general well-being of employees are seemingly independent of the duties performed and common to all companies. However, the job characteristics, psychosocial environment and employees' levels of cynicism, work engagement and general stress were found to change according to the company in which they worked, thus highlighting the need for action in the psychosocial environment of these work duties.Thermoplastic starch (TPS) hybrid bio-composite films containing microcrystalline cellulose (C) and nano-bentonite (B) as hybrid fillers were studied to replace the conventional non-degradable plastic in packaging applications. Raw oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) was subjected to chemical treatment and acid hydrolysis to obtain C filler. B filler was ultra-sonicated for better dispersion in the TPS films to improve the filler-matrix interactions. The morphology and structure of fillers were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). TPS hybrid bio-composite films were produced by the casting method with different ratios of B and C fillers. The best ratio of B/C was determined through the data of the tensile test. FTIR analysis proved the molecular interactions between the TPS and the hybrid fillers due to the presence of polar groups in their structure. XRD analysis confirmed the intercalation of the TPS chains between the B inter-platelets as a result of well-developed interactions between the TPS and hybrid fillers. SEM images suggested that more plastic deformation occurred in the fractured surface of the TPS hybrid bio-composite film due to the higher degree of stretching after being subjected to tensile loading. Overall, the results indicate that incorporating the hybrid B/C fillers could tremendously improve the mechanical properties of the films. The best ratio of B/C in the TPS was found to be 41, in which the tensile strength (8.52MPa), Young's modulus (42.0 MPa), elongation at break (116.4%) and tensile toughness of the film were increased by 92%, 146%, 156% and 338%, respectively. The significantly improved strength, modulus, flexibility and toughness of the film indicate the benefits of using the hybrid fillers, since these features are useful for the development of sustainable flexible packaging film.Quorum sensing (QS), a sophisticated system of bacterial communication that depends on population density, is employed by many pathogenic bacteria to regulate virulence. In view of the current reality of antibiotic resistance, it is expected that interfering with QS can address bacterial pathogenicity without stimulating the incidence of resistance. Thus, harnessing QS inhibitors has been considered a promising approach to overriding bacterial infections and combating antibiotic resistance that has become a major threat to public healthcare around the globe. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most frequent multidrug-resistant bacteria that utilize QS to control virulence. Many natural compounds, including furanones, have demonstrated strong inhibitory effects on several pathogens via blocking or attenuating QS. While the natural furanones show no activity against P. aeruginosa, furanone C-30, a brominated derivative of natural furanone compounds, has been reported to be a potent inhibitor of the QS system of the notorious opportunistic pathogen.