on and intra-partum fever were positively associated with neonatal sepsis. Therefore, preventing maternal urinary tract infection during pregnancy and optimizing the intra-partum care are recommended to mitigate the burden of neonatal sepsis in Ethiopia.Standardization is an important measurement for ensuring the quality control of herbal drugs. It has become essential to develop reliable, specific and sensitive quality control methods. Ashwagandhadi lehyam is an important Ayurvedic formulation containing Withania somnifera L., as one of the prime ingredient of formulation. The present study was undertaken to develop standardization parameters for Ashwagandhadi lehyam. Evaluation of various standardization parameters like organoleptic characters, Physico-chemical evaluation, HPTLC finger print profiling along with dominant bioactive markers and estimation of bioactive markers Withaferin-A by HPLC. The Rf value of Withaferin-A 0.35 and Withanolide-A 0.45 is in formulation and reference standards were found comparable under UV light at 254 nm and 540 nm. The HPLC chromatogram of Ashwagandhadi lehyam and standard Withaferin-A showed at Rt of 5.015 and 5.050 min. The percentage of Withaferin-A was 0.092% present in Ashwagandhadi lehyam formulation. Bioactive markers are characteristic to the ingredients or botanicals to identify the presence of ingredients in formulation easily. The presence of bioactive markers is possible and its verification through the HPTLC fingerprint profile and quantification of biomarker by HPLC are the best ways to identify evaluate the quality of the finished formulation in the course of development of a standardization protocol for quality control of Ayurvedic formulation. Microvascular decompression has been established as a primary treatment for hemifacial spasm. Intraoperative monitoring is used during the surgery to guide neurosurgeons to determine whether the decompression of facial nerve from the vessel is sufficient. We performed a systematic review to assess the role of lateral spread response (LSR) monitoring in predicting hemifacial spasm outcomes after microvascular decompression. A systematic search of PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane, and Google Scholar was conducted. We included studies that performed microvascular decompression surgery with intraoperative monitoring analyzing the correlation between lateral spread response and spasm relief. A critical appraisal was conducted for selected studies. Twenty-two studies comprising 6404 cases of hemifacial spasm, which underwent microvascular decompression surgery with intraoperative monitoring, were included. Of 15 articles that assessed symptoms shortly after surgery, 12 studies showed a significant correlation ng their quality of life. The epidemiology of human urinary schistosomiasis caused by can be complicated by the presence of ruminant schistosomiasis caused, primarily by . The two schistosome species may be transmitted by the same species, they may occur sympatrically in the same habitat, and their cercariae are very similar in morphology and therefore, difficult to tell them apart. Screening of snails collected from freshwater habitats for schistosome infections is often used to identify transmission sites or to evaluate success or failure of interventions. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/epz-5676.html However, pin-pointing sites involved in transmission can be complicated by the presence of other mammalian schistosomes such as the bovine schistosome, which is a fairly common parasite. A PCR-RFLP method targeting a unique segment of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in the schistosomes was used to identify mammalian schistosome cercariae shed by bulinid snails collected from endemic freshwater habitats located within Mang DNA material, and the samples. The PCR-based assay can potentially be used to support schistosomiasis control efforts, in epidemiological studies of urinary schistosomiasis, or in transmission ecology studies of and . The PCR-based assay can potentially be used to support schistosomiasis control efforts, in epidemiological studies of urinary schistosomiasis, or in transmission ecology studies of S. haematobium and S. bovis.An efficient procedure for the synthesis of novel thiazolidinone triazoles through 32 cycloaddition reactions in the presence of copper(I) species was described, and the molecular mechanism of this 32CA was investigated computationally. Different possible pathways for CA process have been studied to achieve this goal, including one-step pathways for both regioisomers 1,4- and 1,5-triazoles (uncatalyzed, mono-copper, di-copper) and also mono- and di-copper stepwise pathways for 1,4-disubstituted triazole. It was exhibited that the most convenient route in terms of energy barriers includes two copper ions. Based on the calculation, the reaction follows a di-copper stepwise mechanism involving the formation of a six-membered ring and then undergoes a ring contraction to a five-membered ring. The regiochemistry of the reaction was investigated based on local and global reactivity indices of reactants, the transition state stabilities calculation. The electron reorganization along the uncatalyzed one-step mechanism has been investigated by the ELF topological analysis of the bonding changes along with the CA reaction.This study examined the impact of regional economic integration on economic upgrading in global value chains (GVCs), of the East African Community (EAC), Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), from 2000 to 2015. Using the Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV) technique, the results showed that regional economic integration is not a significant driver of the economic upgrading of their Members, in GVCs but one-period lagged backward participation in GVCs is. Considering labour productivity as an alternative measure of productivity in the place of productivity linked with participation in GVCs (economic upgrading), regional economic integration turned out to be a weak positively significant determinant. At a disaggregated level, regional economic integration significantly determined labour productivity in both EAC and SACU but not in ECOWAS. More regional efforts are needed to sufficiently aid the contribution of these African RECs to their Members' economic upgrading in GVCs.