y and duodenal microbiota support the theory of bacterial duodenal-biliary reflux in patients with choledocholithiasis. Meanwhile, when it is impracticable to obtain a bile sample, duodenal juice may be used as an alternative for bacterial culture and susceptibility tests. Our study first demonstrates the predictive contribution of biliary bacteria to the clinical conditions of patients with choledocholithiasis, and then it offers new insights into the compositional and functional features of biliary and duodenal microbiota. Similarities between biliary and duodenal microbiota support the theory of bacterial duodenal-biliary reflux in patients with choledocholithiasis. Meanwhile, when it is impracticable to obtain a bile sample, duodenal juice may be used as an alternative for bacterial culture and susceptibility tests. Effective control of will reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika; however, control programs are increasingly threatened by the rapid development of insecticide resistance. Thus, there is an urgent need for novel vector control tools, such as auto-dissemination of the entomopathogenic fungi and The aim of this study was to estimate contact rates of -exposed males with wild female . As a control the contact rates of untreated males with wild females was contrasted. The study was conducted in Reynosa, Mexico. The treatment and control households (n = 15 per group) were geographically separated by an arid and hot area that naturally prevented the flight of males between arms. In each control household, 40 -exposed male were released per week for 8 weeks (specimens were exposed to a concentration of 5.96 × 10 conidia/cm for 24h; n = 4,800 males). In each control household, 40 untreated males were released per week for 8 weeks (n = 4,800 males). Allverall, the contact rate between M. anisopliae-infected males with the natural female population was 60% higher than fo