In this article, we study the problem of affine formation stabilization for multiagent systems in the plane. The challenges lie in the limited access to the information of the target formation in the sense that the prescribed values of the formation parameters, that is, the scaling size and rotation angle, are known only by one agent which we call the leader. Motivated by the fact that three agents (say, leaders) can determine the shape of a planar triangular formation using the stress matrix, we propose a class of estimators to guarantee that two agents in the leader set can gain access to the formation parameters. Then, an integrated control scheme is designed such that the target formation can be uniquely stabilized among all its affine transformations. The sufficient condition ensuring the stability of the closed-loop system is also given based on the cyclic-small-gain theorem. Simulations and experiments are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a common technique to elicit muscle contraction and help improve muscle strength. Traditional FES over the muscle belly typically only activates superficial muscle regions. In the case of hand FES, this prevents the activation of the deeper flexor muscles which control the distal finger joints. Here, we evaluated whether an alternative transcutaneous nerve-bundle stimulation approach can activate both superficial and deep extrinsic finger flexors using a high-density stimulation grid. Transverse ultrasound of the forearm muscles was used to obtain cross-sectional images of the underlying finger flexors during stimulated finger flexions and kinematically-matched voluntary motions. Finger kinematics were recorded, and an image registration method was used to capture the large deformation of the muscle regions during each flexion. This deformation was used as a surrogate measure of the contraction of muscle tissue, and the regions of expanding tissue can identify activated muscles. The nerve-bundle stimulation elicited contractions in the superficial and deep finger flexors. Both separate and concurrent activation of these two muscles were observed. Joint kinematics of the fingers also matched the expected regions of muscle contractions. Our results showed that the nerve-bundle stimulation technique can activate the deep extrinsic finger flexors, which are typically not accessible via traditional surface FES. Our nerve-bundle stimulation method enables us to produce the full range of motion of different joints necessary for various functional grasps, which could benefit future neuroprosthetic applications. Our nerve-bundle stimulation method enables us to produce the full range of motion of different joints necessary for various functional grasps, which could benefit future neuroprosthetic applications.Link prediction and node classification are two important downstream tasks of network representation learning. Existing methods have achieved acceptable results but they perform these two tasks separately, which requires a lot of duplication of work and ignores the correlations between tasks. Besides, conventional models suffer from the identical treatment of information of multiple views, thus they fail to learn robust representation for downstream tasks. To this end, we tackle link prediction and node classification problems simultaneously via multitask multiview learning in this article. We first explain the feasibility and advantages of multitask multiview learning for these two tasks. Then we propose a novel model named MT-MVGCN to perform link prediction and node classification tasks simultaneously. More specifically, we design a multiview graph convolutional network to extract abundant information of multiple views in a network, which is shared by different tasks. We further apply two attention mechanisms view the attention mechanism and task attention mechanism to make views and tasks adjust the view fusion process. Moreover, view reconstruction can be introduced as an auxiliary task to boost the performance of the proposed model. Experiments on real-world network data sets demonstrate that our model is efficient yet effective, and outperforms advanced baselines in these two tasks.Identification of cancer subtypes is critically important for understanding the heterogeneity present in tumors. Integrating information from multiple sources, homogeneous groups for cancer can be identified. However, there is a lack of computational approaches to identify histological subtypes among the patients suffering from different types of cancers. Assigning weight to the biomarkers prior to the integration of multiple information sources for the same set of samples can play an important role in cancer subtypes identification, which has not been explored previously. Sub-typing of cancers can help in analyzing shared molecular profiles between different histological subtypes of solid tumors. A novel method for feature weighting based on robust regression fit is developed in this study. The weight is utilized to find similarity between patients individually from each of the information sources. Here, miRNA and mRNA expression profiles across the same set of samples have been used. Patient-similarity networks, that are generated from each of the expression profiles are then integrated using the approach of Similarity Network Fusion. Finally, Spectral clustering is applied on the fused network to identify similar groups of patients that represent a cancer subtype. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated on different data sets.Analysis of gene similarity not only can provide information on the understanding of the biological roles and functions of a gene, but may also reveal the relationships among various genes. In this paper, we introduce a novel idea of mining similar aspects from a gene information network, i.e., for a given gene pair, we want to know in which aspects (meta paths) they are most similar from the perspective of the gene information network. We defined a similarity metric based on the set of meta paths connecting the query genes in the gene information network and used the rank of similarity of a gene pair in a meta path set to measure the similarity significance in that aspect. A minimal set of gene meta paths where the query gene pair ranks the highest is a similar aspect, and the similar aspect of a query gene pair is far from trivial. We proposed a novel method, SCENARIO, to investigate minimal similar aspects. Our empirical study on the gene information network, constructed from six public gene-related databases, verified that our proposed method is effective, efficient, and useful.