To evaluate the evolution of chemosensation via extended psychophysical testing in patients who suffered from sudden chemosensory loss due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Additionally, this study sought to determine whether odor threshold testing provided additional information on olfactory loss due to COVID-19 compared to the more common odor identification testing. Prospective cohort study of patients with sudden chemosensory loss since February 2020 and confirmed COVID-19 infection via RT-PCR or serology testing. Olfactory function was tested extensively using the "Sniffin Sticks" test battery. In addition, we screened gustatory perception and nasal cooling sensations using psychophysical tests. Seventy-two patients completed the study. After a mean of 37days, 37% of patients showed olfactory dysfunction, 7% were dysgeusic, and 48% showed signs of low sensitivity for cooling sensation. A longer duration of anosmia before smell improvement was correlated with lower olfactory function at 5weeks. Odor threshold detection was more affected by COVID-19 compared to odor identification. Five weeks after developing sudden chemosensory loss due to COVID-19, a high proportion of patients were dysosmic and showed signs of low nasal cooling sensitivity, whereas most of them had normal taste function. SARS-CoV-2 affected mainly odor thresholds, possibly suggesting that the major cause of loss of smell lies at the level of the olfactory neuroepithelium, rather than in the central nervous system. Five weeks after developing sudden chemosensory loss due to COVID-19, a high proportion of patients were dysosmic and showed signs of low nasal cooling sensitivity, whereas most of them had normal taste function. SARS-CoV-2 affected mainly odor thresholds, possibly suggesting that the major cause of loss of smell lies at the level of the olfactory neuroepithelium, rather than in the central nervous system. The purpose of the present study was to compare the voice of choir singers before and after 60min of singing and after an absolute rest. Twenty-one female choir singers aged on average 26.59years, with experience in choir singing of at least one year were instructed to emit the vowel /a/ before and after singing and after a vocal rest of 30min for an analysis of acoustic measures, and for the evaluation of their tactile-kinesthetic self-perception. Vocal warm-up was performed for 10min. The participants were instructed to sing the "Ave Verum" music continuously for 60min. f0 (p = 0.0001) and Flo (p = 0.0002) increased after the singing test and were reduced after the vocal rest, in contrast to Fhi (p = 0.001), which continued to be increased compared to the pre-test measure even after the vocal rest. The vAm parameter (p = 0.05) was reduced after continuous singing and rest. All self-evaluation symptoms increased after the continuous singing task and were reduced after the 30min rest, except for complaints of low voice, pain when swallowing and cough/throat clearing. 60min of continuous use of the singing voice induced signs of vocal fatigue with an increase in f0, with improvement of symptoms and a reduction of f0 occurring after 30min of vocal rest. 60 min of continuous use of the singing voice induced signs of vocal fatigue with an increase in f0, with improvement of symptoms and a reduction of f0 occurring after 30 min of vocal rest.Penetrating spinal cord injuries are rare in children but result in devastating impacts on long-term morbidity and mortality-with little known about the recovery capacity in this age group. We present the case of an eight-year-old child who sustained a penetrating injury through the right anterior thorax. Thoracic CT showed the arrow tip extending through the spinal canal at T6. Neurologic examination revealed no motor or sensory function below T6. The arrow was surgically removed without complications through an anterior-only approach. MRI on post-operative day (POD) 4 showed focal T2 hyperintensity at the T6 spinal cord. Patient was discharged on POD33 with an American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)-D score and trace voluntary control over bowel and bladder function. Remarkably, four months later, he had near normal bowel and bladder function, with near-intact lower extremity strength and self-sustained ambulation. Follow-up imaging revealed hemicord formation at the level of injury. We review our case of penetrating spinal cord injury in a child and similar reports in the literature. Penetrating thoracic spinal cord trauma portends poor clinical outcomes, particularly when employing available adult prognostic spinal cord injury scoring metrics. Incomplete spinal cord injury, and often-associated spinal shock, can mimic a complete injury-as in our patient, which improved to near-complete motor and sensory restoration of function and resulted in the formation of a split hemicord. This case represents a unique penetrating spinal cord injury with remarkable neurologic recovery, which would advocate against definitive early prognostication in the pediatric population. Children diagnosed with a brain tumor (BT) in the first years of their life are at high risk of cognitive and neuropsychological problems, more school difficulties, and an increased need for educational support. To improve this condition, it will be beneficial to be able to identify the neuropsychological variables that are early predictors of school competences at later ages. We longitudinally assessed 30 school-age BT children with a diagnosis before the age of 5 who were administered cognitive and neuropsychological evaluations before entering school or in the first 2 school years and who were followed up for academic performance at least one year after the first evaluation. A discriminant function analysis was conducted to detect the early neuropsychological profile that best predicted those children who turned out to need school support or not; we tested 5 block multiple regression models, one for each academic variable entering as predictors the neuropsychological variables that significantly discriminated the two groups. A total of 93.3% of the cases were correctly classified according to the discriminant function in "with vs. without" educational support. Visual attention abilities were highly correlated with resulting school problems, both for reading (accuracy and speed) and math (operations) at school age. Analysis provided evidence that the early neuropsychological profile may predict academic difficulties for both reading and math at school age and that visual attention seems to play an important role in both these academic abilities, allowing clinicians to identify children with major difficulties in/from early years and to intervene beforehand. Analysis provided evidence that the early neuropsychological profile may predict academic difficulties for both reading and math at school age and that visual attention seems to play an important role in both these academic abilities, allowing clinicians to identify children with major difficulties in/from early years and to intervene beforehand.