DISCUSSION These results were consistent with previous studies and the inference that postreceptor, M-cone neurons were differentially compromised by hypoxia. However, these measurable changes in color vision due to hypoxia were not perceived by the subjects.Bierman A, LaPlumm T, Rea MS. Declines in wavelength discrimination and shifts in unique hue with hypoxia. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2020; 91(5)394-402.BACKGROUND Spatial disorientation, poor situational awareness, and aerodynamic stalls are often causal/contributory to general aviation accidents. To mitigate against the occurrence of these mishaps Cirrus Aircraft has, since 2002, introduced advanced avionics into their piston airplanes (Cirrus SR20/22). These airplanes are also certificated to more rigorous crashworthiness tests than legacy aircraft approved prior to these standards being codified. Herein, using for comparison two legacy aircraft fleets manufactured prior to 2002, we determined whether a reduced mishap rate for all accidents or relating to the aforementioned causes/contributing factors and/or diminished injury severity for survivable accidents were evident for Cirrus SR20/22 airplanes.METHODS Accidents (2008-2017) involving Cirrus SR20/22 airplanes (manufactured 2002 or later) and Beechcraft 35/36 (Bonanza) and Mooney 20 models (both manufactured no later than 2001) (14CFR Part 91 rules) were identified (N = 136, 259, 164, respectively) froiation aircraft. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2020; 91(5)387-393.Epigenetic programming is essential for lineage differentiation, embryogenesis and placentation in early pregnancy. In epigenetic association studies, DNA methylation is often examined in DNA derived from white blood cells, although its validity to other tissues of interest remains questionable. Therefore, we investigated the tissue specificity of epigenome-wide DNA methylation in newborn and placental tissues. Umbilical cord white blood cells (UC-WBC