BACKGROUND Growth regulation is a complex process influenced by genetic and environmental factors. We examined differences between growth hormone (GH) transgenic (T) and non-transgenic (NT) coho salmon to elucidate whether the same loci were involved in controlling body size and gene expression phenotypes, and to assess whether physiological transformations occurring from GH transgenesis were under the influence of alternative pathways. The following genomic techniques were used to explore differences between size classes within and between transgenotypes (T vs. NT) RNA-Seq/Differentially Expressed Gene (DEG) analysis, quantitative PCR (qPCR) and OpenArray analysis, Genotyping-by-Sequencing, and Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS). RESULTS DEGs identified in comparisons between the large and small tails of the size distributions of T and NT salmon (NTLarge, NTSmall, TLarge and TSmall) spanned a broad range of biological processes, indicating wide-spread influence of the transgene on gene expression. Overexprs of the genome resulting in differences in growth, physiological pathways, and gene expression in T fish compared with the wild type. Understanding the complexity of regulatory gene interactions to generate phenotypes has importance in multiple fields ranging from applications in selective breeding to quantifying influences on evolutionary processes.BACKGROUND Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) microsymbionts belonging to the bacterial genera Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) have been isolated across the globe. Individual symbiosis genes (e.g., nodC) of these rhizobia can be different within each genus and among distinct genera. Little information is available about the symbiotic structure of indigenous Rhizobium strains nodulating introduced bean plants or the emergence of a symbiotic ability to associate with bean plants in Bradyrhizobium and Ensifer strains. Here, we sequ